RTV Stichtse Vecht – Alzheimer Café Maarssen: The younger, vital older person with dementia.

by time news

When we think of people with dementia, we all have a picture of it. Many of these images show an older person. In recent years, however, we have seen an increasing number of younger elderly people with dementia.

These people have often just retired, sometimes the partner is still working. There are gaps where people would still like to mean something to society. Or because these people themselves lack the overview and lose control or because society thinks they do not belong. The partner suddenly finds itself in a completely different rhythm of life. Social contacts can change and still not everyone knows how to best deal with this disease.

Guest speaker

The guest speaker on this evening is Freek Gillissen, a nursing consultant who works at the Alzheimer Center in Amsterdam. Freek has extensive knowledge about dementia and is specialized in young people with dementia. With the knowledge and experience he has gained, he is a fascinating speaker who can answer many of your questions.


The meeting will take place in the Vondel, Vondelstraat 51, 3601 EX Maarssen
Start: 8 p.m.
From 19.30 you are welcome for a nice cup of coffee.

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