G20, Brunello Cucinelli to world leaders: “Economic model is sustainable and human. May Creation enlighten us towards a new Humanism”. Then thanks to Mario Draghi: “With her, Italy is once again credible”

by time news

At the opening of the second day of G20 of Rome, lhe Italian Presidency invited the leaders of the summit on the morning of Sunday 31 October to a side event focused on the theme of public-private collaboration in the ecological transition, in which the entrepreneur also participated Brunello Cucinelli, which invited leaders to lead the world towards a more sustainable and humane model of economy and society. In his speech, Cucinelli – who received awards for his commitment to a model of “Humanistic capitalism”, the result of the integration of social and environmental issues in production processes – he told the story of his training, underlining that the main lesson learned is that profit must be accompanied by economic and moral dignity restored to all people. Then he recalled that these principles also guide him in the management of his company, to bring together humanism and technological development, inviting the leaders of the G20 to lead the whole world towards a more sustainable and humane model of economy and society.

“Oh my esteemed and powerful pro-tempore custodians of Creation, you who are responsible for the beauties of the world, please show us the way of life. May Creation protect us and enlighten us towards a new universal Humanism“: Brunello Cucinelli addressed the world leaders gathered for the G20 with these words. After the greetings of the Prime Minister Mario Draghi, among the other speakers called to express their ideas to the greats of the world, there was also Prince Charles of England: “Great topics were discussed – explained Cucinelli through a note issued by the Solomeo company – such as the fight against climate change, the pandemic and measures to support global recovery. My testimony was about in particular human sustainability and humanistic capitalism, themes particularly dear to me, to which I have dedicated and passionately dedicate my work and my life. It was with honor and extraordinary emotion that I turned to those human people to represent the dream of returning to believe in a new harmonious respect for the planet. In greeting and thanking them, I hope that my heart has suggested the right words for a request addressed, I like to believe, in the name of the whole of humanity ”.

At the end of his speech, Brunello Cucinelli wished to personally thank Prime Minister Draghi: “Italy is once again credible – said the visionary entrepreneur -. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, President Draghi ”.

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