But in Safed: the head of the yeshiva who lived modestly died of an illness

by time news

But in the world of the Torah, after the night, the Gaon Rabbi Baruch Yosef Faybelzon zt’l, Rabbi of the city of Safed, and who served as head of the Nachalat Naftali yeshiva, died, aged 65 at the time of his death.

The deceased was born to his father Yavlhta HaGaon Rabbi Shmuel Faibelzon, one of the founders of the world of Torah, and one of the founders of the ultra-orthodox community in the city of Safed, and in his youth he studied at Yeshiva Ponivez where he was known as having great talent and persistence.

After his marriage, he moved to the city of Safed, where he began teaching the Torah and Halacha to his students, and thus for many years many were able to buy their Talmud from his hand.

His students say that he was a symbol of the Torah and godliness, a man who lived his whole life modestly and simply, while seeing only the Torah before his eyes.

Recently, Rabbi Baruch ztzel became ill, and since then his condition deteriorated until he returned his soul to its creator during the night.

At his death, he left behind his family members, his brother the Gaon Rabbi Aryeh Faybelzon, the Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu Meir, sons, sons-in-law, grandsons and descendants who follow the path of the Torah and Halacha.

His funeral will take place at 12:00 at the Nachalat Naftali yeshiva hall in Safed.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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