the financial effort will not be carried by the agents, assures Guerini

by time news

The Minister of Transformation and Public Service responded to the concerns of some unions during an interview with the media Public actors.

The financial effort that the administration will make to reduce its energy consumption by 10% by 2024 will not be borne by public officials, Minister Stanislas Guerini assured Friday in an interview with the media. Public actors. «Let’s be clear: I have absolutely no intention of making the financial effort of the State in terms of ecological transition bear on public officials.“said the Minister of Public Service.

Words that directly respond to the concerns of certain unions, raised after an interview with Stanislas Guerini at the end of August on the Cnews channel. Asked about the energy saving avenues studied by the working group “Exemplary condition“, which works on the reduction of the energy consumption of the administration, the minister had in particular mentioned teleworking. “Can we imagine that, on a given day, we could have agents telecommute in order to be able to close a building, not heat it, not light it?he had thus affirmed.

“A pure provocation”

Reacting to these remarks, the UFSE-CGT had judged that “to consider transferring part of the energy costs of the public power to its own agents (sounded) like a pure provocation», Solidaires Public service refusing for its part that «the agents pay the bills instead of the State“. Hence the minister’s desire for appeasement on Friday. “Today, when we have both agents who telecommute and when, on the same day, others also come to their usual place of work, then the question of efficiency (of telecommuting, editor’s note) arises in matter of energy sobriety. This is the subject that I submitted for discussion, to which I gladly add that of financial support for agents in terms of teleworking.“, explained Stanislas Guerini. Public officials currently benefit from a fixed allowance of 2.5 euros per day of telework.

In the interview with Public Actors, Stanislas Guerini also emphasizes his “objective of reaching decisions on the overhaul of careers and remuneration by mid-2023“. Initial exploratory consultations with the unions will be launched in mid-October on these subjects, but the negotiation “more formalizedwill begin after the professional elections of December 2022.

SEE ALSO – Energy sobriety: “It’s still obscene” to ask the French for this, for Michel Onfray

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