gold price today, good time to buy gold.. rate has decreased! – chance to buy gold at cheap rate today in chennai 10th september 10

by time news
Good news for gold buyers today. The price has come down dramatically. Check here for the full pricing status.

Price of jewelry gold!

In Chennai today (September 10), the price of one gram (22 carat) of ornamental gold fell to Rs.4,740. Its price was Rs 4,768 yesterday. Similarly, 8 grams of ornamental gold which was sold at Rs 38,144 yesterday decreased by Rs 224 to Rs 37,920.

The price of pure gold!

The price of pure gold has also been reduced today. A gram of pure gold, which was sold at Rs 5,170 yesterday, fell to Rs 5,142 today. Similarly, 8 grams of pure gold which was sold at Rs 41,360 yesterday decreased by Rs 224 to Rs 41,136.

Gold prices in other cities!

The price of one gram of jewelery gold is Rs 4,675 in Mumbai, Rs 4,680 in Bengaluru, Rs 4,675 in Hyderabad, Rs 4,667 in Kerala, Rs 4,690 in Delhi, Rs 4,675 in Kolkata, Rs 4,741 in Ossur and Rs 4,741 in Pondicherry. 4,739 also.

The price of silver!

Silver prices have risen slightly. Silver price in Chennai was Rs 60.30 per gram yesterday. Today it has risen to Rs 60.40. A kg of silver is selling at Rs 60,400.

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