Rahul Gandhi Padayatra Highlights | Rahul Gandhi Padayatra Highlights

by time news

At a roadside shop

Rahul Gandhi drinking tea

During the padayatra, Rahul Gandhi went to a roadside tea shop in Padantalumoot. There he sat on a chair and ate tea and biscuits. Then he called a man who was drinking tea in the shop and made him sit next to him and chatted with him for some time. The person who did not expect this was shocked with happiness.

Rahul Gandhi went to the tea shop at 5.45 pm and stayed there till 6.05 pm. After that he started the padayatra again.

Desire of volunteers


Rahul Gandhi rested yesterday afternoon at Marthandam Nesamani Memorial Christian College. A large number of Congress workers had gathered there. They preferred to take photographs with Rahul Gandhi.

This desire was conveyed to the Congress leaders. Later this was brought to the attention of Rahul Gandhi. Immediately he agreed and came out and took a picture with the volunteers. The volunteers were surprised to see Rahul Gandhi’s simplicity.

Meeting with disabled people and fishermen

Rahul Gandhi met the differently-abled while taking a break between padayatras.

At that time, they emphasized that “a survey of disabled persons should be conducted systematically, information about the welfare scheme for disabled persons should be published in all languages, a separate commission should be set up for differently abled persons, a separate seat should be reserved in the local government elections and a separate organization should be established for differently abled persons in the Congress party, and priority should be given in employment.”

Similarly, fishermen and 100-day work scheme workers were met and discussed. At that time, he said, “The Central Government has brought the Fisheries Amendment Bill. But the fishermen have not been asked to comment on it. Fishermen are losing their lives due to frequent accidents at Tengapatnam fishing port in Kumari district. Therefore, the fishing port should be restructured. Helicopter facilities should be provided to search and find fishermen who go missing in the sea.” They said.

Welcome in a different way

Kumari East District Youth Congress led by District President Tyson gave Rahul Gandhi a warm welcome. In other words, 78 youths belonging to the Youth Congress stood in a row with the color of the Congress flag painted all over their bodies at the Raviputurgadai junction. Also written on the body were words like ‘Welcome to Rahul Ji’ and ‘Bharat Joda Yatra’ to signify India’s unity journey. Every single English letter found in these words was written on each person’s body. It was a hit with everyone.

Old man’s handwriting

Enjoyed by Rahul Gandhi

A few trained performers of Silambatta, one of Tamil Nadu’s traditional heroic sports, stood on the roadside to watch Rahul Gandhi. When Rahul Gandhi saw them, he called them and entertained them. Then an old man named Raj (65 years old) from Thumbaiyan Fort area of ​​Kattura performed a few minutes before Rahul Gandhi. Rahul Gandhi enjoyed this and walked away appreciating him.

The girl is resilient

When Rahul Gandhi went on a padayatra, a girl named Kriswin Risvika from Mulakumudu was waiting with flowers in her hand. Rahul Gandhi noticed this and called him. Immediately the girl went with her father and congratulated him.

Then the girl walked a short distance with Rahul Gandhi holding one of her arms and her father holding the other. Rahul then asked the girl what she wanted to be in the future. The girl said that she wants to study as a doctor and work in a government hospital. After hearing that, Rahul Gandhi congratulated and praised the girl. The girl, who could not see Rahul Gandhi on the first day, excitedly said that she waited for the second day and met him.

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