Apple, the archive dedicated to the memory of Steve Jobs is online

by time news – Laurene Powell Jobs, la widow of Apple and Next founder Steve Jobs, yesterday presented at the Code Conference 2022 the archive dedicated to the memory of Jobs, a visionary entrepreneur who has profoundly marked the history of information technology and digital technologies since the late seventies. The presentation took place in the presence of former Apple design chief Jony Ive and Apple CEO Tim Cook, during a panel on the legacy left by Jobs and his impact on people.

The Steve Jobs Archive, the site reads, “offers people the tools and opportunities to make their contribution.” For now the archive is a web page, with text, audio and video contributions. Above, is an email dated September 2, 2010 that Jobs sent to himself about his admiration for humanity. “I love and admire my species, alive and dead, and I totally depend on them for my life and my well-being,” he reads.

“Steve he possessed a boundless belief in the power of individuals to make a lasting contribution to humanity, “said Laurene Powell Jobs.” My hope is that the Archive is a place to draw inspiration from Steve’s life and work, spurring new generations to contribute to our common future. ”In this spirit, the Steve Jobs Archive aims to tell stories and create opportunities that encourage people to expand the sense of what’s possible.

Scrolling through the site they reveal they are there notable quotes from Jobs, including some from his famous 2005 opening speech at Stanford. At the end, there is a brief “About Us” description for the archive. Jobs’s video and audio clips are inserted along the way.

The aim of the initiative is to develop “programs, scholarships, collections and partnerships that reflect Steve’s values and carry on his sense of possibility. “The archive will be” a repository of historical materials relating to Steve, some of which have never been made public before. Further announcements on offers and additional projects will be made in the coming months ”.

According to Powell Jobs, the archive is “rooted in Steve’s long-held idea that once he understood that, outside the natural world, everything in the built environment and all systems that govern our life on the planet were built and designed by other humans. Once you have this intuition, you understand that you, as a human being, can change it, stimulate it, perhaps, question it and lengthen it. This is how human progress takes place ”.

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