Total War: Warhammer III – Champions of Chaos: Chat with Creative Rally Inspiration & Goals – Total War: Warhammer III

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A few weeks ago, in the midst of the madness at Gamescom Cologne, Creative Conference released a new batch of DLC for Total War: Warhammer III. Dubbed Champions of Chaos, this additional content brings new playable Legendary Lords, as well as a new set of mechanics and a range of new units. Now that this DLC has been out in the wild for a while, we had a chance to catch up with CA – especially lead designer Sean MacDonald – to learn more about their inspiration and goals for the Chaos Champions.

Game Responders: Did Azazel draw inspiration from old Codex drawings, or is it your own take on him?

Macdonald: Our team working on character art has always taken inspiration from the many source materials the game studio has created over the years. Azazel’s main sources of inspiration were his tabletop models in Champions of Chaos 5th Edition as well as his 6th Edition artwork, but both are fairly old depictions, so he needed some artistic updates to fit into the game. Overall, we stayed true to his original design, but did try to emphasize some humanoid features, even though we were the ancient demon prince of Slanish.

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How many graphic designs are CA and how many are GW?

We obviously draw inspiration from the vast amount of great source material that The Game Workshop has created over the past few decades, but everything created for Total War: Warhammer is designed in the studio by Creative Assembly. Our companies have great relationships and often work together to ensure games meet their and players’ standards.

What changes must be made to update Chaos Warrior?

The Chaos Warriors are one of the most iconic races in the scene, so we knew we had to reintroduce the races in a way that fit their notorious reputation. The biggest change to the races and their subsequent factions is that they are no longer a tribe and can now live in settlements – allowing the construction of Chaos Altars in small settlements and Black Fortresses in major settlements. We’re also very much trying to boost the RPG potential of the race with the new Warband upgrades and Chaos Gift system – both of which allow players to level up their most loyal units through Chaos levels, and some are even granted Patronus status!

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Do you think this implementation of Chaos Warriors is more in line with the “Codex” standard, i.e. closer to the board game version?

We’ve always relied on raw materials to inspire our design direction, but it was the Chaos Warrior lore that had the biggest influence on their design direction. We really wanted the players to feel like they were gradually building this unstoppable wave of northern clans all united under one banner hoping to drown the world in chaos, which felt very thematic.

Is it difficult to balance units and unique characters? At this point, there’s a lot to keep track of…

Balancing units and characters is always challenging when you’re dealing with content that’s more than five years old. In the game we currently have 86 legendary lords and hundreds (sometimes thousands) of spells, units, abilities, mounts, items, etc., so balancing can be a difficult task as our goal is to ensure They all work as expected. Thankfully, we have an excellent QA team, collaborative community, and software that can help us identify any peripheral issues, allowing us to prioritize changes needed for future patches.

Who is your favorite lord in the entire TWW series?

Sigwald the Great is probably my favorite Lord of the series. I like the idea of ​​this vain fighter with near-unparalleled melee abilities, entering into battle with a shield that doubles as a mirror, and fighting alongside an elite group of bodyguards known as the Mirror Guard, who bathe him in the heat of the battle. in his own glory. On the dark side of things, he is the greatest embodiment of outer beauty and inner decay – perfect for a devotee of Chaos!

Do you think the game mechanics have developed to full maturity?

As a team, we are always looking for new ways to evolve, innovate and generally improve previous content. With every passing game and DLC, we want to be more ambitious, and that will continue to be our philosophy going forward. So please keep looking forward to new and exciting things going forward.

How long do you expect the Immortal Empire (IE) campaign to play under normal circumstances?

It can vary greatly depending on the player’s skill, but I’m beating my Kholek campaign and taking all settlements in about 80-100 hours.

Do you want someone to beat IE in all 23 games?

You need a lot of time! I wish someone could beat both short and long term campaign goals with all 23, but winning all 23 of the domination campaign is another feat entirely, and I’d be impressed if they did.

IE has changed a lot, do you think it’s fairer now?

Immortal Empire is a daunting mission and our most ambitious and technically challenging campaign ever. So we’ve attached the Beta tag because we know it will have some rough edges at launch due to the amount of content involved, but it will only get better from here as we gather player feedback and make necessary changes . In terms of fairness, we’ve done a lot of work to make sure older races are up-to-date compared to their WARHAMMER III counterparts, we’ve fixed critical bugs, and we’ve done a lot of work to fix balance issues. We plan to support this massive game over the next few years, so we’ll always be looking for ways to improve the overall experience.

What semi-sadistic set the end game scene slider to such extreme lengths?

Our philosophy with this sandbox mode is to give the player as much agency as possible, so the end game scene slider has tons of customization, allowing players to do what they want whenever and wherever they want. As we said, the framework of this pattern will only make it easier for us to add new varieties of these scenarios in the future.

Many thanks to MacDonald and Creative Assembly for talking to us. Today, you can check out the Chaos Warriors DLC for Total War: Warhammer III in-game.

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