the reconquest of Izioum, in the east of the country, is “in progress”, says kyiv

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14h07 : 14 hours and a few minutes, here is a new point on the news of the day:

Ukraine claims to have retaken more than 3,000 km2 of territory from Russian forces this month. According to the governor of the Russian region of Belgorod, bordering Ukraine, several “thousands” people fled the Kharkiv region to join Russia, against the backdrop of the Ukrainian counter-offensive. Follow our live.

Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral procession, which left Scotland’s Balmoral Castle this morning, is expected around 4 p.m. local time in Edinburgh. Follow our live.

German Central Bank President Joachim Nagel warns of further interest rate hikes “significant” could intervene in the euro zone, “if the inflationary situation remains as it is”. The European Central Bank decided on Thursday to increase its key rates by 0.75 points, an unprecedented decision.

Guest of the “Grand Jury” RTL-Le Figaro-LCI, the Minister for Energy Transition, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, believes that the reopening for this winter of nuclear reactors currently closed is “realistic”. As a reminder, 32 nuclear reactors, out of 56, are currently shut down in France.

13h40 : According to Vyacheslav Gladkov, governor of the Russian region of Belgorod, most of the thousands of people who have fled the Kharkiv region in the past 24 hours have gone to live with relatives living in Russia.

13h35 : According to the governor of the Russian region of Belgorod, bordering Ukraine, several “thousands” people fled the Kharkiv region to join Russia, against the backdrop of the Ukrainian counter-offensive. “In the last 24 hours, thousands of people have crossed the border“, did he declare.

13h04 : 1 p.m., here is a “best-of” of our content of the day on franceinfo:

Our decryption on the impact of the Russian offensive on the state of the Ukrainian economy, after 200 days of conflict.

Our great interview with the specialist in British civilization Isabelle Baudino, about the relationship of the British to the monarchy after the death of Elizabeth II.

Our article explaining to you why power cuts can become an explosive subject for the French government.

12h43 : A GDP which could decline by 35 to 40% this year, and an unemployment rate which reached 35% in June. After 200 days of war, “the Ukrainian economy is going through the biggest crisis in its history”, summarizes Maksym Samoiliuk, economist at the Ukrainian think tank Center for Economic Strategy (CES). How did the Russian invasion devastate the economy in Ukraine? Decryption.

12h15 : Noon, let’s take a look at the news of the day:

The last reactor in operation at the Zaporijjia nuclear power plant is shut down, according to the Ukrainian operator Energoatom. “Last night, after the restoration of one of the transmission lines”, “it became possible to supply the internal needs of the power plant with the Ukrainian energy system. (…) It was therefore decided to shut down reactor number 6″, he specifies.

#UKRAINE Ukraine claims to have retaken more than 3,000 km2 of territory from Russian forces this month. Yesterday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky claimed that Ukrainian troops had managed to retake around 2,000 km2 of territory since the beginning of the month. Follow our live.

The coffin of Queen Elizabeth II left the Scottish castle of Balmoral this morning. The coffin procession to Edinburgh is expected to take around six hours today, over almost 300 kilometres. Follow our live.

In an appeal to the European Union, published by the Sunday newspaper, around 180 scientists from around the world are calling on the 27 Member States to ban destructive fishing methods and industrial activities in marine protected areas.

12h03 : “Since the beginning of September, more than 3,000 square kilometers have returned to Ukrainian control”said in a press release Valeri Zaluzhny, commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army. “Around Kharkiv, we have started to advance not only to the south and east but also to the north. We are 50 kilometers from the border,” he assures.

11h42 : Yesterday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky claimed that Ukrainian troops had succeeded in retaking about 2,000 km2 of territory since the beginning of the month.

11h45 : Ukraine claims to have retaken more than 3,000 km2 of territory from Russian forces this month.

10h17 : For its part, Russia announced yesterday that it has “took of” its present strengths “in the regions of Balakliïa and Izioum”pour “to reinforce” its device around Donetsk.

10h11 : According to the Ukrainian General Staff this morning, “the liberation of portions of territory in the districts of Kupyansk and Izium in the Kharkiv region is in progress”. Yesterday, Ukrainian forces announced that they had entered Kupyansk, a key city for their counter-offensive in the east of the country.

09h22 : “Last night, after the restoration of one of these transmission lines”, “it became possible to supply the internal needs of the plant with the Ukrainian energy system”continues Energoatom. “It was therefore decided to shut down reactor number 6.”

09h17 : In its press release, published in particular on Telegram, Energoatom explains that this sixth unit supplied “exclusively the internal needs of the plant, at an extremely low level of capacity”, “because all the transmission lines connecting the plant to the Ukrainian power system were damaged”, due to Russian bombardments according to the Ukrainian operator.

09h12 : “Puring the night at 03:41, unit number 6 of the (central) has been disconnected from the power grid”announces the Ukrainian operator Energoatom in a press release. “Preparations are underway for its cooling”adds the operator.

09h08 : The last reactor in operation at the Zaporijjia nuclear power plant is shut down, announces the Ukrainian operator Energoatom.

10h50 : 9 a.m., let’s make a first update on the news:

The last reactor in operation at the Zaporijjia nuclear power plant is shut down, announces the Ukrainian operator Energoatom. Follow our live.

The coffin of Queen Elizabeth II will leave Scotland’s Balmoral Castle for Edinburgh today, before returning to London on Tuesday. A large crowd is expected on the route of the funeral procession. Follow our live.

A third mandate for the left, or a new right and extreme right bloc? Parliamentary elections are taking place today in Sweden, alongside regional and municipal elections. For the first time, the traditional Swedish right is planning to govern with the Democrats of Sweden (SD), a nationalist and anti-immigration party.

PSG resume their throne as leaders of Ligue 1 after their sluggish victory against Brest. His runner-up, OM, won in the evening against Lille (2-1).

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