Sambuca di Sicilia, paintings and recycled objects on display in the municipal landfill

by time news

NoonSeptember 7, 2022 – 4:21 pm

The idea of ​​the manager of the ecological island of the country, Franco Di Prima: “I love my job, I shoot the landfill as shiny as a mirror and I tried to embellish it”

from Emanuele Fragasso

A few days ago in the small town of Sambuca di Sicilia a suggestive art exhibition was set up. The location is not an eighteenth-century palace or a Risorgimento villa, but the municipal landfill of the town located in the province of Agrigento. The exhibition, between vintage and kitsch, was born from an idea by Franco Di Prima, 62, responsible for the ecological island of the country where the waste from separate collection is thrown, which in Sambuca is done so well that it has made the town one of the top “recyclers” in Sicily.

At cost (and Km) “0”

The exhibition, the only one of its kind in Italy, displays paintings and objects (of art?) Recovered from the garbage. «I love my job – said Franco Di Prima – for this reason I keep the landfill polished like a mirror and I also tried to embellish it. All the works are therefore rigorously at “0 cost”, recycled. But also at Km 0, since they come from the landfill itself. Mr. Franco was able to give new life to these objects that otherwise – at best – would have been destroyed. 90% of the citizens of Sambuca do the separate collection correctly. The mayor Leo Ciaccio and the deputy mayor Giuseppe Cacioppo will soon reward the municipal employee for his ingenuity and the interesting idea, also rewarded by the social consensus: “Now the landfill looks like a real contemporary art exhibition: from the photos it is almost the want to come and visit it », writes a lady from Sambuca on Facebook.

7 September 2022 | 16:21

© Time.News

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