“People who call themselves liberal democrats have the mad ambition to bring out a new man” Éric Verhaeghe

by time news

« Subject number one is the great operation of social psychology in which we are housed, it is the matrix which consists in making us believe that there is a world which justifies actions and in reality, the reasons for these actions are elsewhere “, assures us Éric Verhaeghe, who gives us the pleasure of returning to the set of FranceSoir. In this new “Essential Interview”, this entrepreneur and former senior civil servant develops the main lines of the 2030 Agenda, better known as the “Great Reset”, piloted by the globalized elites who gravitate around the Davos Forum.

To do this, the founder of Mail from the strategists and the association stay free engages in an uncompromising analysis of what is at stake both nationally and internationally.

Behind the official narrative, what is really going on? Éric Verhaeghe is certain of this: the Covid-19 crisis and the Ukrainian conflict are crises used to set up a surveillance society and an ecological transition by using electricity and gas shortages. Measures that the authorities intend to have accepted by accompanying them “ of a propaganda which serves to distract the minds with a lot of speeches and images likely to arouse emotion within the populations, with the intention of preventing them from understanding what is really at stake. However, all this is not new, recalls the former student of the ENA. To fully understand the strategy of the globalists and the project that is being put in place, he invites viewers to read or reread The Great Reset (The Great Reset) written by Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum.

To know this text is to be able to decipher the chronological and semantic similarities between the theoreticians of the new world order and their variations by national political actors. To clarify his point, Éric Verhaeghe quotes Klaus Schwab when he wrote in July 2020: “ The enlightened leaders will be those who will use the amazement of the Covid to take environmental measures which will make it possible to switch to another model. “. Then, he recalls the speech of the first Council of Ministers this summer, last August, during which Emmanuel Macron mentioned ” the big seesaw which was preparing.

A fascinating interview in which Éric Verhaeghe invites us to decipher the strategic and tactical field of the issues that structure today’s dominant thought, this “Great Reset“which presents itself as both a statist and ecological aspiration aimed at bringing about a new society.

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