No one who has gone to this island has ever returned! About the most mysterious island in the world

by time news

Envytanate Island in Kenya deserves the title of the most mysterious island in the world. It is said that no one who goes to this island comes back. Envytanate itself means ‘no return’ in tribal language. It means that no one who went to this island will come back. Only one of the many islands in Kenya’s Lake Terkana, Envitonate is number one in terms of mystery.

Once, British explorer Vivian Fuchs and his team visited Envitonate. However, after they disappeared, the island became a topic of discussion for the outside world. In 1935, Fuchs and his team went with his team to study the islands around Lake Terkana. He sent two men from Fuchs’s team, Martin Scheffles and Bill Dayson, to Envitonate. But those two never came back. Moreover, it is said in their last message that they saw a sight that their eyes could not believe.

In any case, Fuchs called the tribesmen who had come to their aid to go with him to inquire about them. But none of them wanted to go with them. With that, Fuchs decided to find out the story behind it. The tribesmen told him that no one who had ever gone to the island of Envytanate had returned. They told Fuchs that there had been an incident where the entire island had disappeared in a single moment before, and since then no one had been willing to go to the island.

The nearby islanders said that when they saw the modern equipment in the hands of Martin Scheffles and Bill Dayson, they thought that nothing would happen to them. After hearing this, Fuchs’ curiosity increased. He decided to find out more about the island. Fuchs learned that Envitanat had been inhabited earlier and that agriculture was their way of life, but that all its vegetation was a kind of emerald green. All over the island were many unusual shaped rock formations. But Fuchs refused to go inside the island. Fuchs dismissed it as mere fiction and returned home.

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One day some smoke-like figures started appearing in front of the houses there. It is said that those who touch people with this kind of smoke start to fall in the air along with that smoke. Then the dead bodies of the people on the island appeared in many places. That’s when the island came to be known as the ‘cursed island’. Then no one went there. Despite the passage of time, the mystery behind the disappearance of the people who go to this island is still not revealed. When we read the color of the plants and the geography of the place, we can only believe that there is some mystery behind it.

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