Interim President Annie Genevard renounces her candidacy for the head of the party

by time news

It will be without her. This Sunday, the interim president of the Republicans, Annie Genevard, announced that she would not run for the head of her party in December. “I am not a candidate for the presidency of LR, because precisely in the function of referee which is mine, in this period when I occupy the function of president, in this period of internal election, I think that would add confusion, ”she explained on France 3.

At the end of July, Annie Genevard had not ruled out presenting her candidacy for the election scheduled for December 3, which will pit the deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes, Eric Ciotti, the boss of the senators LR Bruno Retailleau, with probably to challenge the number 3 of the Aurélien Pradié party. “I thought about it, of course [mais] that meant renouncing the presidency that I exercise, renouncing this role of soothing arbiter which is also my function, ”acknowledged the deputy of Doubs.

A family project

Severely criticizing the energy policy of President Emmanuel Macron, the policy affirmed that it would be at the side of the future president LR, to “help rebuild the political family”. “We are all impacted by an energy crisis which results in large part from an aberrant policy which has jeopardized what was the flagship of French energy, the French energy sovereignty that is the nuclear sector. It’s absolutely dramatic,” said Annie Genevard.

She also confirmed that her party would not vote for the budget: “When you are in opposition and you vote for the budget, you are no longer in opposition,” she explained.

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