The era after Elizabeth: “King Charles plans to make changes”

by time news

Michael Shichor, the director of the popular site for planning trips abroad, spoke today (Sunday) with Anat Davidov on her program on 103FM and talked about the economic yield of the royal house for the British economy, against the background of the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

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“The cost of the royal house is not very high, 1.2 pounds per year per citizen. On the other hand, its yield for the British economy is about 20 times, almost 2 billion pounds,” explained Shihor at the beginning of the conversation. “It’s actually the economic levers. For that matter, when the Queen comes to the horse race, which has become a very big social event, it is estimated that the guests spend 50 million pounds on clothes alone. It’s really an industry all around.”

The director of the site also added on the same topic that “we know that there is the foundation of the royal house that manages the royal souvenirs and the entrances to the websites, and it brings in about 50 million liras a year from the sale of tickets to visit the palaces, and another 20 million liras on souvenirs and all kinds of symbols that people buy.” .

Regarding the degree of popularity of King Charles III among the British public compared to the much-loved Queen Elizabeth, Shihor was asked if this might have a negative effect, and replied that he had doubts about it.

“Charles really waited a long time and got the job at an age when most people are already retired. With his genes, he has another 20 years of reign,” he said. “What is happening is two things – the public will learn to respect him in a different way, they will get used to him, to his presence, to his personality, etc., but he is no stranger to this feeling that actually calls into question the necessity of the royal house. This goes beyond money, it is not just a financial matter Therefore, in my opinion, he plans to make changes in the costs as well, instead of a royal house, the position, which is symbolic today.”

Shihor expanded and said that in his opinion, this will go in the directions of other royal houses in Europe, and it is not a surprise. “He had 70 years to prepare, it’s not like now he has to wake up and decide what to do. The palace has over a thousand employees, he doesn’t need it today either. In the world we live in some things are unnecessary, the monarchy is changing, in fact it spread from its ruling properties throughout Europe in the century The last few years. Therefore, the King of Great Britain still continues to be the central ruler both of Great Britain itself, and of the 14 countries that are still in the Commonwealth of Nations, but it has become more and more ceremonial.”

The director of the site pointed out at the end that Prince William is also involved in this, and everyone is changing their role and position: “Economically, the royal house is still a huge asset, and also culturally. There is a well-known debate about the amount of tourists who come inspired by the royal house, what is clear is that there are certain events Their economic effect is huge and I don’t see that changing.”

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Shani Romano 103FM

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