Horoscope: weekly forecast 11.9-17.9.22 – Ramat Gan Givatayim News NEWS

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While a gentle and soft approach is always important and preferable, the activity done at the same time is the main love language this week. Don’t ask what your lover can do for you.

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Instead, learn to cook their favorite meal and try to support their dreams in any way possible. Put the phones aside and give your full attention to the one you love.

Listen to the truth, give advice only if asked and keep constructive (non-critical) feedback. For singles who are looking, it’s time to look for a connection with a little more interesting and challenging people.

Long, analytical conversations can be the key to a deeper connection. Take a break from dating apps and look for discussion group meetings, brainstorming sessions, and more.

Aries March 21 to April 19

‘And this child is me’: this week you put yourself in the front. No masks, no polishes, this is me and that’s it. This week you are ready to shout your preferences to the world. You might decide to tell people you freaking love pancakes, hate doing dishes, or even want to fly to Williamsburg, Virginia, which is said to have more pancake houses than any other city. This week, you are an open book, and it is not certain that it is precisely in the chapter that is most interesting to you. Just don’t forget that complete exposure requires responsibility and an open book should be returned to the bookcase whenever it is.

The personal message to you this week: it’s nice to be hosted by others, but it seems that it’s your turn to host, stop making excuses for yourself with fatigue, moods or lack of time, because just as you like to be hosted, so do your hosts.

Taurus April 20 to May 20

Although you always go ‘with your head against the wall’, this week you are surprising. Suddenly you have strange ideas for unconventional pastimes. This week you are more ready to engage in new activities than usual. If someone happens to suggest spending the day picking wild strawberries, taking a two-person kayak on the river, or going to Ramon Crater to look for aliens in the sky, you’re game. You are looking to do something different, and this may indirectly reflect changes you want to make in everything related to relationships, relationships and love.

The personal message to you this week: If at work you feel too overwhelmed by the amount of responsibilities and deadlines you have. Both sides must be considered: on the one hand, you might not be happy with this job. But on the other hand, promotion and recognition of abilities require a lot of work. Now you decide.

Gemini May 21 to June 21

That’s it, you’re tired of being stuck in the same repetitive script. This week some of you will decide to check the options for you. The home, the family, the office, it seems that you are tired of everything that is usual, routine or traditional. Changes are a welcome thing, but there’s no need to turn the whole bowl upside down, you can certainly start the day by moving furniture or perhaps define your bedroom, starting today, precisely in mmad and vice versa. Wall color also allows for a dramatic change without critical decisions. With this energy and your decisive nature, the results can be spectacular.

Your personal message this week: It is easiest for you to tell your children that they need to study if they want to succeed in school. But did you think maybe it’s time to turn the mirror towards yourself and look at where you need to take some responsibility? Because at the end of the day, we are the mirror for our children.

Cancer June 22 to July 22

This week you raise your head. You want others to hear exactly what you think. You no longer want to use filters, diplomacy or restraint, you want to express your deepest feelings. No more hiding in a safe haven, no more maintaining silence and complete unquestioning consent. But on the other hand, you don’t want to speak to anyone, you are looking for someone who will listen to what you are going through, maybe it is a close friend or the most compassionate family member, find that person and ask them to listen to what you have to say.

The personal message to you this week: financial security for you is the most important security. However, in my opinion, the most important security for you is your home, when the home feels safe and secure to you, financial security will begin to weave skin and sinews.

Leo July 23 to August 22

Money, money, money, that’s what keeps you busy this week. You want to change the way you handle money. If you’re usually thrifty, meticulous in your accounting and think twice before spending anything, this week, maybe it’s time to be a little more extravagant. But if you are spendthrift, unable to save anything from your monthly salary and the bank account is always in the red, maybe it’s time to start closing your wallet, so in the future, you can see how a penny saved can help you find financial freedom in the future.

The personal message to you this week: even if there is no agreement between you and your partner(s) in life at all, this is the time to see if there can be some kind of compromise or adjustment on both sides. Taking a tough stance will only lead you to disappointment.

Virgo August 23 to September 22

Things around are starting to move in your favor. During the week, good news is expected regarding a trial or ruling in which you are involved. This week you have the upper hand and it seems that when it comes to hidden opponents, control is in your hands. You burden yourself with more and more work and doing, in the hope of improving self-confidence and mood, but it seems that nevertheless, there is still a negative energetic feeling that refuses to leave. There may even be a few minor health problems, you may not even be focused, which can affect the many projects you have taken on.

The personal message to you this week: try to avoid making any important decisions. Maybe there are unexplained fears and anxieties around. It is recommended to go to a spiritual place, maybe to the sea, maybe to the desert, you need energetic purification.

Libra September 23 to October 22

Libra boys/girls, you do advocate honesty, but it is important to remember that when you want “Nothing but the truth“, it leaves you exposed and sometimes the absolute truth actually hurts even more. It seems that you will have to grow a ‘thicker skin’ and until it takes effect, prepare yourself this week for a few more harsh words and maybe even one or two hits below the belt. The assumption here is that you should not ask questions that you don’t really want real answers about, even when you think you do. On the other hand, if you’re the one with the harsh words and the ‘painful’ truth, it’s important to always start with more pleasant words.

The personal message to you this week: always remember that what is really important is to say what you feel instead of hoping that the other party will understand you.

Scorpio October 23 to November 21

This week you lose some balance in life. All around people ‘catch’ you off guard, you usually have a strong intuition about what people are looking for, about certain situations, but you are less focused these days, try to understand where it comes from. It seems that there are quite a few things that need to be taken care of at home. Most of them are small, and you might be too busy to deal with them. But it’s time to make a list of minor repairs, maintenance or just cleaning. If you don’t, one or more of these things could become a big problem in the future.

The personal message to you this week: You must deal with problems such as drips, leaks, broken dishes, and not postpone. Sometimes things in life work out just by doing these things.

Sagittarius November 22 to December 21

This week you are full of inspiration. Some of you look back on the past week and think about changes, you have a desire to change your field of work. The work bores you, it seems that what actually frustrates you is actually the slowness of the pace or the lack of appreciation you experience. It is important to remember that you cannot change the world, certainly not what is not up to you, but you can prepare a resume, post it on an employment site or even apply for a job that is very different from what you usually do. This change is definitely in your hands.

The personal message to you this week: one of the keys to the life you want for yourself, is the correct formulation of the questions you ask yourself. If you change your thinking from: “Why can’t I move forward??” To: “How can I earn double today??”, allow your subconscious to see opportunities everywhere.

Capricorn December 22 to January 19

Capricorns, this week you seem to be looking to escape from everything. It seems that some of you are looking for an escape from the routine of life. You may not have traveled during the summer vacation, if that is indeed the case, the coming weekend is a perfect time to ‘get away’ for a short trip, even if it is just for the weekend. Choose a destination/place you haven’t visited yet, prepare a small suitcase, arrange everything around so you can take off at a moment’s notice. Because now is the time to do something vigorous. Don’t say, do.

The personal message to you this week: you need to take responsibility and control your finances. Even if everything is handled by the accountant, you still have to take responsibility, because in practice, the accountant is also an additional financial expense.

Aquarius January 20 to February 18

Aquarius, this week you are full of passion. This week you allow yourself to run wild in your thoughts. Lots of hormones are raging around so much that you can’t think about anything else. Your attraction to your partners is particularly high this week, this could be an intimate breakthrough for both of you. On the other hand, a situation can happen where one of you will be more “in the mood” than the other. Single buckets, a situation may happen to you in which, if you have recently been dating someone, he may not be as available as you would like (even if it is speaking virtually). Either way, make sure you are not too impulsive.

The personal message to you this week: try to answer the question: what do you want from the existing relationship or from a relationship in general. My advice, don’t play games and just share your partners even your most naughty thoughts, who knows, you might be surprised.

Pisces February 19 to March 20

Sometimes we busy ourselves with arrangement and organization, when in practice we are supposed to make internal order with ourselves. Your week is all about change and you may direct this desire for change to your partner, but one of the fastest ways to make someone else change is to change yourself. Look deep inside and try to see what you can do differently, how you can project your feelings differently or how you can change your schedule for the benefit of the relationship. Think about what is causing you problems and change directions. Things can only get better from here.

The personal message to you this week: Maybe you have a nagging feeling that something is wrong. You walk around the house, checking locks, opening drawers, staring into space. Instead, stop for a moment and ask the universe what’s going on. The missing information will pop into your head. It could be an unpaid bill, a phone call you forgot about, and more.

Racheli Dror Degani.  Private photo
Racheli Dror Degani

The writer: Racheli Dror Degani– Tarot card reading and seeing the occult

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