Podcast Medien-Woche: How Patricia Schlesinger defends herself

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Confident or arrogant? How Patricia Schlesinger defends herself

The The

The “Media Week” is a podcast about the world of media and its makers

Source: world

The RBB has a new director – and her predecessor gives an interview in which all the allegations that have been made against her leadership in recent months have been wiped off the table. How to evaluate this approach – more in our media podcast.

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The RBB Broadcasting Council has elected a new interim director. Katrin Vernau, previously administrative director of WDR, takes on the task of cleaning up the crisis-ridden state broadcaster. There was criticism that Vernau was the only official candidate. Before working for public broadcasting, she was a partner at the management consultancy Roland Berger and chancellor at the universities of Hamburg and Ulm.

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At the same time, Vernau’s predecessor, Patricia Schlesinger, caused a stir with an interview. “Zeit” offered the dismissed director space to present her view of things – according to which she alienated people on her station because she wanted and demanded too much too quickly. She denies most of the allegations against her. A portrait photo of Schlesinger, which was apparently taken during the interview and in which she looks anything but thoughtful, was much discussed. In this edition of our podcast “Die Medien-Woche” we discuss with you.

Making of Schlesinger-Interview

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We also listened to Economics Minister Robert Habeck, who was visiting Sandra Maischberger, who tried to explain how a company can go out of business without going bankrupt. There was as much media scolding for this as there had previously been praise for Habeck’s very unusual and authentic style of communication, according to many.

Finally, we take a look at Bertelsmann and its subsidiary RTL, where top manager Stephan Schäfer recently had to leave. The “Manager Magazin” reported that Bertelsmann boss Thomas Rabe had caused a “management chaos” – a lot now depends on whether, for example, in Germany the streaming offer RTL + will be successful.

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The “Media Week” is a podcast about the world of media and its makers. Christian Meier, editor at WELT, and Stefan Winterbauer, editor-in-chief of the industry service Meedia, talk about the most important topics of the week every Friday. Background, analytical, entertaining.

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