After the “metarous advance” of the Ukrainians, Putin remains “capable of anything”

by time news

“The invaders flee in panic”rejoices on Sunday the Gazeta after the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed forces Valery Zaluzhny announced that he had taken over more than 3,000 km2 of territory from the Russians, in particular around the city of Kharkiv. the Kyiv Post falls on his side “the spectacle of a retreating scruffy army – wrecked convoy remnants, abandoned vehicles, hastily vacated positions, hapless prisoners and locals celebrating Ukrainian forces rolling through their villages”.

But the foreign media are also showing enthusiasm. “Is Russia on the Run”asks himself The Economist. The world Talk about “total defeat of Russia on the northern front” and of “lightning progress” Ukrainian troops. Such rapid progress, specifies the Spanish daily, that it is “unable to update liberated territories map”. Pour the Republic, “the Russian front gave way” et “Vladimir Putin not only lost a strategic location in a matter of hours, undoing months of bloody fighting, but for the first time his troops became completely disorganized.”

“The war seems to have entered a new phase”so consider CNN. That doesn’t mean it’s over. “Russia is losing but it hasn’t lost yet”concedes the Kyiv Post. “A successful and unexpected breakthrough” is not enough to declare victory, adds the site. After all, remember the BBC, the Russians still control about a fifth of the country.

What will Vladimir Putin do?

On both sides of the Atlantic, the Wall Street Journal and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung come to the same conclusion in any case: the West must more than ever strengthen their support for kyiv and maintain pressure on Moscow. The Ukrainian counter-offensive is a “significant turning point”says the Journal. It validates the idea that the local army can regain ground, aided by “a sufficient amount of advanced weaponry from the West”.

Ukraine has demonstrated that it knows how to use these weapons “with wisdom and efficiency”confirms the DOES. “A clear and demonstrative increase in arms deliveries at this stage would both strengthen Ukrainian fighting spirit and further undermine the already low morale of the Russian armed forces. It is high time that Germany, in particular, no longer just says what is not possible, but shows determination,” insists the German daily.

And in Russia, Vladimir Putin could suffer from the course of events. On the other side of the Ukrainian border, “officially there is no public admission of Ukrainian successes or Russian defeats”highlighted Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty. On Saturday, the Russian president even inaugurated a Ferris wheel on the occasion of the 875th anniversary of Moscow. But the radio reports that Ramzan Kadyrov himself “the pugnacious strongman of Chechnya” and ally of Mr Putin, pointed “errors” comitted by the Russian General Staff in the conflict.

“Putin’s problems are not just on the battlefield”noted Politico. He has to face “at an unusual level of criticism of the competence of its senior officers”. The Kremlin’s propaganda confronts the “uncomfortable questions” what are you starting to ask “popular loyalist bloggers, think tankers and politicians”. If their “anger” is only targeting the General Staff today, Mr. Putin must act at the risk of seeing “political pressure is mounting on his autocratic rule”analyse Politico.

Problem for the Russian leader, according to la Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung : “If he wants to turn the tide militarily, he must send more forces to the front. To do this, he would have to deviate from the line with which he has hitherto secured the support of his subjects in war: he has kept it as far removed from their daily lives as possible.”

Be careful, however, warn the Wall Street Journal since “Russian is capable of anything”. Provoking NATO to force the organization to engage in the conflict, convincing China to assist it militarily and resorting to chemical weapons or nuclear force are among the risks. “The threat that Mr. Putin poses to the world is far from over” according to the American daily.

Sunday in the Kharkiv region, for example, was marked by power outages and water shortages in hospitals, reports the Guardian. Local authorities claim that these incidents are linked to Russian airstrikes on energy infrastructure, “a cynical revenge” after the recent successes of the Ukrainian army. “Even through the impenetrable darkness, Ukraine and the civilized world see clearly that these are acts of terrorism”denounced President Volodymyr Zelensky on his Telegram account.

The situation of the Zaporijjia nuclear power station also remains a source of concern. Emmanuel Macron discussed it by telephone with Vladimir Putin, says CNN. The French president pleaded once again for the withdrawal of Russian military equipment from the site. Mr. Putin noted for his part that the Ukrainian attacks near the power plant could have “catastrophic consequences”. However, it is now disconnected from the rest of the electricity network, explains NPR. The last reactor still in operation has been shut down for safety.

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