Expo Dubai, the Bracco Group brings ‘The beauty of imaging’ to the Italian Pavilion

by time news

An installation inspired by diagnostic imaging exhibited in the Italian Pavilion of Expo 2020 Dubai because “Looking beyond is not enough, we must ‘be’ beyond”. It is with this mood that the Bracco Group presents “The beauty of imaging” at the universal exhibition in Dubai, a large anthropomorphic totemic element with which the Bracco Group, Official Gold Sponsor of the Italian Pavilion, strengthens the “Italian model of research and innovation in the life sciences sector” at the universal exhibition with “cutting-edge solutions in the field of health , safety and prevention, starting with the application of artificial intelligence to diagnostic imaging “.

Il totem antropomorfo “The beauty of imaging” is a giant that takes inspiration from the classical Greek proportions of the Riace Bronzes with a strong reference to the genius of Michelangelo, to Giovanni Battista Bracelli, an engraver and painter of the ‘600, up to the’ 900 and the reworking of the forms of Picasso. The large multimedia installation is dedicated to the union of art and science and shows visitors from all over the world multimedia scientific contents, making them aware of the importance of predictive and personalized medicine and in particular of diagnostic imaging, one of the most relevant discoveries in medicine. Contemporary.

Il Gigante di Bracco is 4 meters high and is made up of 82 screens, divided into 225 very high resolution LED tiles. A work of great emotional impact that tells Expo visitors about the extraordinary beauty of the human body, observing it from the inside “as we are used to doing we who are world leaders in the diagnostic imaging sector” underlines the president and CEO of the Diana Bracco Group who in 2015 was President of Expo 2015 spa and General Commissioner of the Italian Pavilion.

The Group CEO: “Italy is the pulsating hub of the new revolution that integrates molecular biology, biotechnology and digital”

“Today we are living with the integration between molecular biology, biotechnology and digital technology a revolution that profoundly changes medicine. And the Italy of this revolution is a pulsating hub, having a network spread throughout the national territory of valid public and private research structures and innovative companies which are the real spearhead of our industrial system and represent more than 10% of the GDP “continues the CEO of the Bracco Group who will also support the great concert of the Accademia della Scala which will take place in the presence of the highest Italian and international authorities.

Diana Bracco notes that “medicine is now increasingly personalized not only for diagnosis, but also for prognosis and to address the most effective therapy for the individual patient. This is why Bracco is also investing heavily in digital innovation, in artificial intelligence tools for the analysis of radiological images “.” The relationship between health, medicine and technology is destined to become increasingly close and the progressive hybridization of knowledge will allow the transition to the so-called ‘4P Medicine’: predictivity, prevention, participation and personalization “.

“The Bracco Group ensures Italy’s participation in Expo 2020 Dubai – notes the Italian commissioner Paolo Glisenti – a highly demonstrative contribution of the best Italian skills for health in the field of diagnostic imaging, which is today a factor of great innovation in the multidisciplinary model of therapeutic activities, which the context of the pandemic is making of strategic importance for humanity “.

The Giant-Totem an imaginative portal that accompanies the visitor on an exploration ‘without a map’ inside the human body

As an explorer, il Gigante di Bracco which can be visited at the Italian Pavilion in Expo 2020 Dubai until March 31, 2022, was designed by Studio Giò Forma, Mauro Belloni and Cromazoo and ‘The Beauty of Imaging’ is an imaginative portal that accompanies the visitor on a long journey. The path starts from what is visible and goes, in an exploration ‘without a map’, inside the human body up to the most infinitesimal elements that make it up. In those places, in a representation between the real and the evocative, beauty and harmony are discovered, and the narration of one of the most important discoveries of contemporary medicine is traced: diagnostic imaging.

Tells Florian Boje of the Giò Forma studio: “We asked ourselves, ‘What If’, if it were possible, if we could go further, into the future and into the images. The Bracco company has enabled us to collaborate with talents and as a team we have the task and the opportunity to create wonder. We try to help precisely that magical moment in which an ordinary thing, like the human figure or images, becomes wonder, it becomes extraordinary “. Finally Mauro Belloni explains that “with this installation we wanted to play with a provocation, we called the observer to move in a field straddling the real and the unreal”.

And while ‘The Beauty of Imaging’ stands out at the Dubai Expo, Group President Diana Bracco is already looking ahead to the candidacy of the city of Rome launched by Prime Minister Mario Draghi as the next venue for the 2030 Universal Exposition. “We can do it. do, my best wishes to Italy “comments Diana Bracco who recalls her commitment as president of Expo 2015 and as general commissioner for the Italian Pavilion. “The Milan Expo – he confesses now – was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life”.

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