Don’t store potatoes in this way.. it will become poisonous

by time news

Follow up – Ali Mualla:

Experts warn that it’s a mistake to keep potatoes in the refrigerator for a very good reason. It is that this type of vegetable contains a substance that in this case may lead to a change in its taste.

This substance is acrylamide, a chemical that usually appears in foods rich in starch when cooked at a temperature of more than 120 degrees Celsius.

They pointed out that the chance of this happening increases with placing the pills in the refrigerator.

This component is a research subject at the International Center for Research on Cancer in France. Experts classified it as one of the substances that can cause cancer, according to a recent study funded by the European Union.

That is why the researchers called for the need to limit the intake of foods that contain this substance, especially fried potatoes and potato chips.

They felt that it was important to preserve the potatoes well to prevent the appearance of this substance, and they stressed that the best way to do this is to put the seeds in a place away from light and at a temperature of 8 degrees Celsius.

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