The emissaries spoke at the official ceremony in memory of the twin disaster victims

by time news

Last night, the 11th of their month, is the 21st anniversary since the terrible “twin disaster”. Today, senior police officers who work at the Newark airport in New Jersey gathered at the exact time when the twin disaster happened, to commemorate the event in a limited capacity.

the rabbi Mordechai Kanalsky – The chairman of the “Brit Avraham” organization in New Jersey, was invited to speak about once a year, and among his remarks he said: “It is true that this is the day when 3,000 people were killed, and their bodies went, but the soul and spirit of a person always remains. We need to do something good for the benefit of those people, and for the benefit of the world. And not only on the anniversary but every day – by doing something good for other people, it can add to the good in the world. And if each one helps the other, we build what they wanted to destroy, and the world will be better prepared for the time when there will be peace in the world – the coming of the Messiah.”

His son, the messenger to the airport instead, Rabbi Avraham Kanalsky Blow the shofar and explain the matter of the Queen of the Kingdom of the Creator of the world in the month of Elul.
After that, the audience stood for the prayer “God is full of mercy”.

In the photo from left to right: Rabbi Mordechai Kanelsky, the owner of the airport, police chiefs and Rabbi Avraham Kanelsky.

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