Deceitful companies take advantage of the need for a loan

by time news

The main deception of debt mounter applications is that they are not companies and take the personal information to threaten people who apply for a loansays the inspector Edgar Martinezdeputy director of the Unit of cyber police capital.

“It is a model of extortion in which they make you believe that it is part of a contractwhat is a commitment and therefore you must pay it. However, being just Applicationsthere are no clear rules, they are not real companies, they are not registered, they do not pay taxesthey are not regulated by any body, therefore, it is like having made a loan with someone you do not know and that perhaps does not exist.

“The dissemination of false information that compromised their dignity. That’s what they hit the citizen with. That is the motivation that makes people start paying”, explains the researcher.

For the processing of alleged loansthe apps request user photos and images of official documents such as the INE credential.

In addition, in social networks, the applications have a series of fictitious users that speak very highly of the procedures for processing the alleged loans.

“False benefits of debt-mounting applications are spread through social networks but they are not real, they are only trying to get new victims”, explains Edgar Martínez.

The applications activate certain permissions to obtain personal data, data from contacts and others that these people used to make extortion.

“There are certain permissions that are functionalities by one telephone the device of Connectionfor example, it could be a permission of the camera, the microphone, the access to the storage, to the contact book, and with this they manage to obtain all your information”, he explains.

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