the government is changing its schedule

by time news

This is not likely to warm relations between Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux and Elisabeth Borne. On August 29, the president of Medef had given the prime minister a brief handshake on her departure from the Medef summer school, after she had urged companies to put in place sobriety plans and reproached the boss of bosses for his reluctance on the pension reform.

Monday, September 12, it was Bruno Le Maire who threw a chill. “We will abolish the contribution on the added value of companies [CVAE] twice, in 2023 and 2024”indicated the Minister of the Economy on LCI, confirming information from Echos. A major reversal for the executive: at the end of August, the government still hinted that the end of this production tax of 8 billion euros for companies would take place next year. It will finally be “a drop of 4 billion euros”said the Mayor.

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Emmanuel Macron’s campaign promise on behalf of the “business competitiveness, particularly in the industrial sector”, the one-off abolition of the CVAE had already been in the hot seat in June, ahead of the debates on measures to protect purchasing power. In her statement of general policy, at the beginning of July, Elisabeth Borne had seemed to close the bench, specifying that the CVAE would be “Abolished from the 2023 finance law”before mentioning the figure of 8 billion euros.

Impact of the energy crisis

Nothing will happen. The Mayor took care to assure, on Monday, that “This two-step trajectory will be included in the 2023 budget, so that companies have the assurance that this tax will be definitively abolished in 2024.” Most this decision constitutes a major departure from the supply policy defended by the government for five years. This orientation, which consists in giving companies a key role in investing, supporting growth and creating jobs, was based until now on a strong idea: the “supply shock” must intervene early at the start of the mandate in order to bear fruit, often visible only after a few years.

This is what led to the decision, in the summer of 2017, not to postpone the reform of capital taxation, against the advice of the Prime Minister at the time, Edouard Philippe, concerned about the proper keeping of the accounts. public. “It is a reversal of the word given, at a time when companies are facing major difficulties, between the energy crisis and decarbonization issues”, we fulminate at the Medef. “We shouldn’t let the idea take hold that supply-side policy is over. It has created 1.4 million jobs since 2015”underlined Mr. Roux de Bézieux, Monday, on Twitter.

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