Pôle emploi provides access to all labor market data by employment area

by time news

Posted Sep 13, 2022 2:48 PMUpdated on Sep 13, 2022 at 4:08 PM

The unemployment rate, the professions most sought after by jobseekers and their profiles, the most offered by employers, the associated skills and training or even the types of contracts signed and the underlying factors in recruitment tensions, the everything at the level of a region, a department, an intercommunity, an employment area or a city with all the possible comparisons: all these indicators are now accessible via the “data job” site that Pôle emploi launched this Tuesday in free access.

“We have been working on this project for years. Pôle emploi gives access to a lot of information, but different in nature. At the request of elected officials, professional organizations or the media, we have complete information on this site at a detailed territorial level”, explained the deputy director general in charge of the Pôle emploi network, Stéphane Ducatez, during a meeting. a presentation to the media.

The data is enriched with that of Insee, Urssaf or Dares, the statistical department of the Ministry of Labour. Among the use cases presented, the public operator highlights that of a departmental elected official who wishes to have a vision of the labor market in her intermunicipalities.

The site can also convince a company to establish itself by showing it that the employment pool includes many unemployed people with the profiles it is looking for. A professional retraining adviser in one of its agencies will have access to the sectors and professions that recruit the most. Several developments are planned, including direct signposting of job offers collected on the Pôle emploi site.

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