Macron bets on consensus on an evolution of the law

by time news

Any resemblance between the two situations is purely coincidental. Filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard killed himself in Switzerland on Tuesday September 13 at the age of 91 by “assisted suicide”. At the same time, France took two steps – one political, the other ethical – towards possible recognition of the right to active assistance in dying.

Hosted by the “conviction that we must move”, Emmanuel Macron confirmed, on Monday, the launch of a citizens’ convention “from October” on the end of life which will be held until March. And on Tuesday, the National Consultative Ethics Committee (CCNE) issued an opinion setting out the “strict conditions” who must “to guide the reflection of the legislator” in the event of an evolution of the Claeys-Léonetti law of 2016 towards a right to assisted suicide or euthanasia.

The Head of State is advancing on a crest line to achieve what, in his eyes, could be the great societal reform of his second five-year term. He must encourage support for the method he proposes. To do this, he must avoid giving the impression that he has in mind a script that has already been written.

Sshe counts the “collective reflection on this sensitive subjectinsisted the Elysée. The necessary time will be taken and all guarantees must be given to ensure the conditions for an orderly, serene and informed debate. »

Also read the analysis: Article reserved for our subscribers On the end of life, the turning point of the Ethics Committee

In accordance with his campaign commitment, Mr. Macron entrusts the management of this debate to the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE). The EESC will mobilize “a panel of citizens representative of the diversity of French society. The draw for citizens will begin at the beginning of October »indicates for its part the institution of the palace of Jena.

“When the citizens’ convention was announced, I feared an ‘alibi convention’ to postpone this reform to the Greek Calendesentrust to Monde Olivier Falorni, MP for Charente-Maritime (not registered) and author of a bill on the subject. But after talking about it again with Emmanuel Macron, I am reassured. A citizens’ convention over a limited period of time – six months – to allow Parliament to legislate within a reasonable period of time, it is formal commitments that count. »

“The planets are aligned”

Mr. Macron also wants to enlist Parliament from the start of the process to defuse criticism of his desire to circumvent it. In parallel with the citizens’ convention“the government will engage in concerted and cross-partisan work with the deputies and senators”, indicates the Elysée. According to our information, the National Assembly’s social affairs commission is preparing to launch a mission to assess the Claeys-Leonetti law. The Court of Auditors has been seized by this same commission to submit a report on palliative care in France during the year.

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