Marion has a stoma: ‘I felt very miserable’ | Stories behind the news

by time news

Do you feel as young/old as you are?

“In October I will be fifty-seven, but sometimes I still feel like twenty-five. Especially now that I’m feeling a little better. A year and a half ago I was diagnosed with colon cancer. Fortunately they were able to remove everything, but it did have a huge aftermath. After my surgery everything seemed to be going well. However, I soon developed several abscesses in my abdomen. It was horrible. Because of this I looked death in the eye and was in the hospital for more than half a year. Thanks to the incredibly good care and love of friends and family, I recovered, but I had to live with two stomas.”

Was it difficult to accept this?

“Certainly, in the beginning they both leaked a lot. It is very humiliating to feel your own feces running past you. It is degrading and it has made me feel terribly miserable a number of times. I have now had another operation, so I only need one stoma. It is again a search for the right material to prevent leakage, but I am strong and do not let it limit me. I notice that there is still a huge taboo on stomas. On forums of fellow sufferers I read that there is a lot of shame involved. You are quickly afraid that it will smell or that other people will see that you are wearing a stoma. That should change. Thanks to that stoma I can live on. So I just try to see it as part of my body.”

Do you have a beauty secret?

“Eat healthy and drink plenty of water. It is also important that you keep doing fun things. Go to the beach, read a good book or go out with your friend. Are you miserable? Then it helps to cry out every now and then. You don’t always have to be big.”

What do you like best about yourself?

“My feet, I have a foot tap. My nails are always neatly painted and I also regularly touch up my calluses. I am quickly inclined to look at other people’s feet, which is why I think it is so important that mine look neat. Other than that, I’m happy with my eyes. They are green/grey in color and can really shine. I get the most compliments on that from others.”

What are you less happy about?

“I have always been a little fuller, but due to my illness I have lost 45 kilos. I am now 20 kilos heavier again, but luckily I have still lost the majority. I’m comfortable in my skin, but my lower abdomen always remains a bit firmer. Because of my stoma, this part of my body now stands out even more. Sometimes I find that difficult, but I also know that I can’t change anything. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, so I try to embrace this part of myself as well.”

Are you where you wish you were?

“Partly, in private I am more than satisfied. I have a lovely daughter (26) who has helped me tremendously during my treatments. I’m also going to redecorate my house soon, something I’m really looking forward to. I am currently working as a team manager in elderly care. I once had the ambition to go a step higher, but because of everything that has happened I have let this dream go. It just doesn’t fit in my life anymore. It’s a shame, but I’m at peace with it.”

Do you have a life lesson?

“The Latin proverb ‘carpe diem’ is tattooed on my arm. This spell has become all the more important to me now that I have been so ill. Since then I have come to appreciate life more. I try to enjoy every day.”

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