“It’s time for courage, we will win”

by time news

Time.news – It is the moment of determination, not of appeasement. Because of this the sanctions against Russia, the toughest in history, will remain in force. And at the same time and way the economic, financial and military support to Ukraine will go on. Name and face of modern day courage.

And thanks to courage and solidarity, Europe will win and Putin will fail. These are the points of certainty made by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, in her State of the Union address to the European Parliament. She in a Ukrainian dress, she presented herself to the Strasbourg courtroom accompanied by the first lady of Kiev, Olena Zelenska.

“You have instilled courage in an entire nation and in recent days we have witnessed the results obtained thanks to the courage of the Ukrainians. You have given your people a voice on the world stage and have sparked hope in all of us. Today we want to thank you and all Ukrainians and Ukrainians “, von der Leyen told her in a tribute applauded by the Eurochamber. Who on this point, one of the few, finds no differences.

The EU leader announces further aid: one hundred million immediately to rebuild schools, opening up to the Single Market, free roaming. And he announces his departure to Kiev to explain everything to President Volodymyr Zelensky. It will be there tomorrow, for the third time since the invasion began.

But it’s not just about Ukraine. In his speech von der Leyen speaks ofEurope versus Russia. Europe against the economic crisis. Europe against China which holds control of rare earths. Europe against foreign interference, against insidious corruption, against the risks to democracy.

A Europe that has made its inner strength re-emerge. “One strength will serve us all. The months that await us will not be easy, neither for families who are struggling to make ends meet, nor for companies called to make difficult choices about their future. I will be very frank: the stakes are high, not only for Ukraine, but for all of Europe and for the whole world. We will be tested. Those who want to take advantage of the slightest division between us will do so. This is not just a war waged by Russia against Ukraine. It is a war against our energy, our economy, our values ​​and our future. It is a clash between autocracy and democracy “, admitted von der Leyen speaking in a Chamber that rarely appears crowded, not even this time.

To win it is necessary to overcome the cold and dark winter that lies ahead. “Gas storage is 84% ​​but unfortunately it will not be enough”. To the Russian manipulation of the market has been added the fervor of climate change. “The heat waves increase the demand for electricity, while the drought forces the closure of hydroelectric and nuclear power plants”. The result: gas prices have increased tenfold. We must therefore cut the demand. As someone already does. Von der Leyen has elected the workers of the ceramic district of central Italy as a European example. They shifted their shifts to early morning to consume less energy.

“Try to put yourself in the shoes of these parents, forced to leave the house early in the morning, when their children are still asleep, because of a war they did not choose”, is von der Leyen’s invitation that invites the whole of the EU. to take an example from them. He therefore proposes the extra-profit ceiling and the solidarity contribution from the oil & gas companies to set aside 140 billion euros that the states will be able to use to mitigate the dramatic effects. Contacts continue with suppliers, reliable ones, Norway in the first place, to try to keep prices under control. As well as will evaluate the establishment of a parameter for gas other than the Ttf in Amsterdam (now drugged by the maneuvers in Moscow) and, by the end of the year, a proposal for reform of the electricity market that will focus on decoupling gas from electricity. However, the gas price cap is set aside.

This is the present, the emergency. The future is something else, it is foresight and vision. It is not repeating the mistakes of the past. Von der Leyen then promised: a European Hydrogen Bank that will be able to invest 3 billion euros (to reach 10 million tons per year by 2030); fire fighting capacity will be doubled next year (with the purchase of ten planes and three helicopters); the reform of economic governance will arrive in October, with the states that must have more flexibility on the debt (on the Next Generation Eu, however, we must stick to the envisaged plan); a package of aid to SMEs; amendment of the Late Payments Directive; they will then come one European legislation for rare earths and a European Sovereignty Fund. By 2030, the demand for rare earths will have quintupled by 2030 and already today almost 90% of rare earths and 60% of lithium are transformed in China (not surprisingly Europe will press for trade agreements with Chile, Mexico and New Zealand).

But you don’t live on economics alone. Von der Leyen announced proposals for the defense of democracy, against foreign interference and to strengthen the fight against corruption. “If we protect our economy, shouldn’t we do the same with our values? We need to protect ourselves better from malicious interference. That is why we will present a package for the defense of democracy, to identify hidden foreign influences and suspicious financing. We will not allow any state autocratic to deceive us to attack our democracies from within “, announced the EU leader.

Guests of this edition (last year it was the Italian champion Bebe Vio), in addition to Mrs. Zelenska, Magdalena and Agnieszka: two young Poles who with their commitment have allowed welcome three thousand Ukrainian refugees. “Their story is emblematic of everything our Union represents and intends to achieve. It is a story of heart, will and solidarity. They have shown everyone what Europe can achieve when it joins forces in the name of a common mission. This is the spirit of Europe. A Union that is strong only when united. A Union that overcomes adversity together “.

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