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A habitable planet

Scientists have discovered an exoplanet with liquid water 100 light-years away from Earth. Planets beyond our solar system are known as exoplanets. Space scientists are calling. Recently, the discovery of new exoplanets has become commonplace. However, scientists consider it to be the second most habitable planet ever discovered. The discovery was published in the journal ‘Astronomy & Astrophysics’.

A snack or a bus?

There are those who boast that they don’t even eat breakfast in the morning. However, scientists at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland say that tying a bandage in the morning can reduce body weight. A person who eats a little more food in the morning will have moderate hunger for the rest of the day. As a result, he eats less in the afternoon and at night. Hence, the researchers say that weight loss can be achieved in the long term.

Thrive Artificial Intelligence

The maturity of a technology is determined by the revenue it generates. By 2021, artificial intelligence industries will generate $383 billion. By the end of 2022, the market value of artificial intelligence industries will reach $450 billion, according to International Data Corporation, which includes everything from research industries to processors, software services and specialized chips.

A melting pot

Climatologists are mapping the Antarctic seafloor. The area is home to the Dwight Ice Sheet, which covers more than 65,000 square miles. Over the past two centuries, researchers have found that the Dwight Ice Sheet has been melting at a rate of 1.3 miles per year. Climate change near the Antarctic is causing the ice sheet to melt, researchers say.

Illumination work

Researchers at the University of California in the United States have reported that there is a direct relationship between the length of daylight hours and changes in our brain. Scientists believe that this change occurs in the brain because the activity of the neuron cells in the brain changes depending on the available light. The study was recently published in the journal Science Advances.

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