The head of the MLA warns Lebanon about drilling in Karish: “We intend to comply with all gas export agreements – with Egypt and Europe”

by time news

This morning (9/15) the fifth day of the annual conference of the Institute for Anti-Terrorism Policy (ICT) at Reichman University opened, with the participation of senior officials from the country and the world from the security fields. Today’s conference was opened by the head of the MLA, Dr. Eyal Hulta.

At the beginning of the conversation, the head of the MLA referred to Israel’s relations with the USA: “The USA was and will be a central anchor and pillar of our national strength. President Biden’s commitment is clear and strong, his visit to Israel about two months ago reflected this. The signing of the joint Jerusalem declaration and a technological cooperation agreement demonstrate the solid foundation of the ties. Although there are disputes on various issues, Israel stands by its security interests and the US government is attentive and responsive to this.”

Iran Iran

“Iran is the main and first threat to Israel for many years. Israel’s commitment and commitment that Iran will not have nuclear weapons is a clear and first priority,” explains Hulta.

“For years, the political echelon has opposed the agreement and sees it as an agreement that does not reflect Israeli security. Our answer is clear – Iran’s agreement is not relevant, Iran’s leader is not expected to return to negotiations. The leader should understand that if he does not agree to enter into a dialogue, he and his citizens will be sanctioned.

“The political echelon and the prime minister are openly clarifying their position through an ongoing dialogue on the nuclear agreement being discussed these days and we are seeing results and recognizing attention to our positions and arguments. We stand by the political struggle and make it clear that Israel will preserve its freedom of action as long as necessary. The agreement does not bind Israel and it will defend itself and prepare for any scenario.”

Judea and Samaria

“The political directive is to act resolutely to thwart the terrorist cells and to continue the defensive verification in the nest of the seam. We are before elections and holidays and this has a wide-ranging effect. Time and again the question of Palestinian responsibility in the situation comes up and we emphasize that we want the PA to act to thwart terrorism. The role of the security forces is to form a wall in a way and to protect the citizens and we see this directly, even with the unfortunate death last night of the deputy commander of the Nahal Patrol, Major Bar Falah last night.”

Northern arena

“These days we are dealing with Nasrallah’s threats and we feel the increasing boldness of his operatives on the ground. Israel is interested in a stable Lebanon and Israel is not interested in the disintegration of Lebanon, but rather in the weakening of Hezbollah in Lebanon.

“Israel will not be deterred by these threats and will continue to act and fulfill its energy interests, operate the Asda Harish rig and implement the important agreements it has signed, among them with Egypt and the European Union.”

southern arena

“The southern arena is in a stable state. Here, too, the political echelon is working to create a reality of peace and calm. We succeeded in a concerted effort to reduce the time of the “Dawn” campaign and carry out a precise and focused campaign. I use this stage to thank Egypt and President Sisi once again for his involvement in the issue. We We are investing a lot of effort to reach a solution and a humanitarian agreement for the return of our captives and missing people, and I emphasize here that this matter is of very high concern.”

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