meat, air transport, diesel… These products and services whose prices have soared

by time news
On the shelves, prices have risen sharply in recent months, as every Frenchman can see. BERTRAND GUAY / AFP

While inflation reached, over one year, 5.9% in August, INSEE notes strong disparities depending on the sector.

Estimated by INSEE at 5.9% over one year in August, inflation continues to weigh down household budgets. First concentrated on energy prices, the surge has spread to other parts of the economy, now affecting both fruit and fish as well as services or manufactured products. But what are the labels that have increased the most in twelve months? Precise data from national statisticians make it possible to take stock.

Food: fresh produce more and more expensive

Central to the household budget and difficult to sacrifice, food has seen its prices soar in recent months, whereas this area was relatively preserved at the start of the year. Whether condiments, drinks or vegetables, all foods are affected, and price increases, over twelve months, can even exceed 40%, in the case of frozen fruits or certain edible oils. . Meat and fish are particularly affected, with increases of more than 10% in the first case, and 11.5% in the second case. Same thing for frozen fruits and vegetables, very energy-intensive, which see their labels burn.

All meals are affected, from breakfast to dinner, from fresh to processed products. Same observation for basic foodstuffs, such as oils, eggs, rice, sugar, or even butter and pasta and flour, which are now between 19% and 20% more expensive than in August 2021.

Energy: a recent slowdown… but massive increases

Good news: price increases have slowed in recent weeks, as prices at the pump have fallen, driven by state aid. Bad news: the bill remains high for households. Over twelve months, petroleum products have seen their painful increase of nearly 29%, and gas has jumped by almost 35%. A trend that will unfortunately continue in the months to come, the government having already announced increases in gas and electricity prices at the start of 2023.

Transport: energy leads to strong increases

The French were able to realize this this summer: travel is expensive… Especially those by plane. Over a year, ticket prices have jumped, whether for domestic or international journeys. Unsurprisingly, road transport is suffering from the surge in fuel prices, and is passing on the increase in its expenses to the bills. Energy price inflation can also be seen in the prices of other modes of transport, whether rail or maritime.

Conversely, if the price of new cars has jumped, the opportunity remains relatively spared. Behind, however, it will be necessary to put the hand in the pocket to afford the services and parts necessary to maintain the vehicle. Quite a budget, then.

Manufactured goods, services, leisure…

From hotels to hairdressers, from lamps to guitars, from shoes to household appliances to restaurants and hotels, inflation is perceptible in all areas, with a few rare exceptions, such as medical services. Dressing, housing, furnishing your cozy nest, taking care of your plants, traveling or having fun by going to the opera, the cinema or a café, all these activities cost more, compared to last year . On average, over one year, the prices of manufactured goods increased by some 3.5% in August, with wide disparities: health products saw their bills increase less than furniture and tableware, for example.

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