Parents complain: the afternoon assistant changes every day. This creates confusion among the children

by time news

Holon: Parents of Shonit Kindergarten children are protesting against the daily rotation of aides. “There are only two staff members instead of three… they bring in girls with no work experience… it creates uncertainty among the children… a real lack of responsibility”

Published on: 15.9.22 16:47

Parents of children at Tzaharon Gan Shonit in Holon complain about the daily turnover of helpers and according to them this creates confusion among their children.

“There is no permanent staff in this Tsharon,” says one of the fathers. “Every day helpers change. Some of them are girls with no experience working with children. There are about 35 boys and girls in Zaharon and only two staff members instead of three. It’s really irresponsible.”

Another mother describes the situation that remains at Tsharon: “Because there are no permanent helpers, the children do not know the people who work and of course there is no continuity to everything built in the kindergarten. For some children it is difficult and creates confusion and uncertainty for them. They channel their behavior into violence against other children and against the staff.”

The parents, it turns out, contacted the person in charge of the after-school programs at the municipality, and were told that the issue was known and was being handled. “It’s really strange,” says the mother of the child in the afternoon. “They had two months to prepare. Hasn’t a situation arisen where there is no permanent staff? Where are the preparations for the start of the year? A situation has arisen where the person in charge at the municipality is in contact with one parent and she conducts herself privately. She conducts herself by sending messages and notifications instead of standing in front of the parents and giving explanations and bringing about a solution to the situation.”

The Society for Culture and Leisure in Holon responded: “At the beginning of the year, a permanent leader and assistant, 2 female staff members, and 30 participants were assigned to Tzaharon Shonit at the beginning of the year.

The youth girls constituted an additional auxiliary force and did not replace the staff. Two days after the beginning of the year, the assistant went on a long sick leave and since then, until another permanent assistant is found, her place is filled by substitute assistants.

Unfortunately, the afternoon driver also fell ill yesterday, so yesterday and today her place is also being filled by a replacement driver. We try to make the changing room staff as permanent as possible, but this is not always possible. We wish the leader full health and believe that in the coming days she will return to Tsharon.

The network makes sure to provide a continuous response to all applicants and messages to all parents are sent through the representative of the parents of Hazaharon.

A community and leisure network operates and invests resources throughout the year to recruit educational teams. The difficulty in recruiting educators is at a national level, but we continue to act on the issue with the aim of providing the best and fastest response possible to all the children and parents of the city.”

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