Ben Caspit on the drama in the joint list: “Good news for Netanyahu”

by time news

The “joint list” fell apart yesterday evening after a dramatic zigzag that took place in the last few hours for the submission of the lists for the elections to the 25th Knesset. Balad submitted its list separately, as did Hadash and Tal, which will run together in the elections to the 25th Knesset. “Maariv” journalist and 103FM broadcaster Ben Caspit commented on the drama this morning (Friday) on Nissim Mashal’s program on 103FM.

The joint list is falling apart: Balad will run alone in the Knesset elections

“We live in an era where the word drama is frowned upon. Everything is dramatic, everything is drama, people want traffic so they write drama. Once Posh even came out on one of the channels saying ‘dramatic exchanges of fire’. Guys, all exchanges of fire are dramatic. In short, I I don’t think there was a change here,” Caspit said. “I think this is good news for Netanyahu and his bloc, and bad news for Lapid, Gantz and their bloc, and having said all this, everything is open. Look, the Arabs have 10 mandates – let’s just say that I’m quite convinced that with not too much work, it can be made Tibi and Odah will bring five and five is completely in the cards. The Arab voice needs to be awakened.”

Later we were asked if he thinks Balad won’t get anything. To this he replied: “That’s if Balad stays out. If the three Arab parties pass, it’s a revolution because it’s against Netanyahu. I don’t know what Sami Abushahadah relies on for this split, he’s stupid No, but you’ll know. Nothing dramatic happened, let’s say Balad doesn’t pass with 2.5 mandates. You know that the mandates will be divided between the major parties. There is nothing here that shows that this is the end of the story, but it is clearly not good for the change block. You see the discipline, the unbelievable self-abnegation, on Netanyahu’s side where everyone unites, comes and is disciplined, while on the other side everyone has their own ego and their dreams and everyone wants to be prime minister.”

Mashal said that “Lapid fell asleep on guard duty. He did not read the map correctly and neglected what he was reading in the Arab sector.” In response to this, Caspit said: “The table doesn’t lie, they say in football, and by and large you’re right. This guy fell asleep while watching, and because he fell asleep and dozed off and even snored, he started the campaign with 17 mandates, and stands at 25 mandates today. So I wish all politicians to fall asleep while watching while they are doubling their power. Now, regarding the Arab sector, this is a matter of policy. I have thought for a long time that Lapid should go out and talk to them. He should reach out to the Arab sector and say that they have someone to trust, and that he will triple the government’s investment in the fight against violence in the Arab sector Because these guns that are collected will spill out and kill us too. The Arabs are thirsty for it and I think he should do it. I don’t think that an election rally in Kfar Qasim will not take away one vote from him. The business is just beginning, there are a little less than two months. Everyone should keep fighting and not give up.”

Finally, he referred to the chances that the Supreme Court will disqualify Balad: “Unfortunately, I don’t think there is much chance. I don’t think anything has changed in the data before the Supreme Court from last time, so I don’t think he will be able to disqualify. If the Supreme Court disqualifies Balad, then that’s the end of the story and Netanyahu won.”

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Eden Ben Ari, 103fm

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