fifty deported by plane to the island of Martha’s Vineyard-

by time news
from Massimo Gaggi

Republican governors of Texas, Florida and Arizona are provocatively transferring thousands of illegal immigrants to more tolerant Democrat-led states

Escalation in the battle of illegal immigrants triggered by the Republican governors of Texas, Florida and Arizona who since the beginning of the summer have been transferring thousands of illegal immigrants to the democratically-led states considered “sanctuary” of illegal immigrants with demonstrative and even provocative intentions, in an electoral key .

Receives i mass transfers to New Yorkthen the homeless people made camp in Washington in front of the Observatory, the residence of the vice president, Kamala Harris and the other night, without any warning, 50 immigrants arrived aboard two aircraft a Martha’s Vineyard: the island off the coast of Massachusetts where Barack Obama and the wealthy East Coast spend their holidays.

Residents quickly turned into volunteers to accommodate the new arrivals, but the authorities are looking for new accommodations because hosting immigrant colonies on an island with just 20,000 residents is not easy. As buses of illegal immigrants continue to arrive in Washington and Chicago, the situation is getting tense in New York, even with tensions in the progressive world: Eric Adams, Democratic mayor of the city in which the buses arriving from the south of the country have already unloaded 11,000 illegal immigrants, he admits that his shelters, the municipal shelters for the homeless, are collapsing.

With many of the newcomers forced to sleep on the sidewalks, civil rights associations have impeached the mayor, accusing him of violating the Right to Shelter: the pledge made in court 40 years ago by Mayor Ed Koch’s administration to provide a roof for all the homeless in New York. But Eric Adams is not there: he says that the policy of the host city of all immigrants must be reviewed because when that commitment was made, no emergencies such as the arrival of illegal immigrants were in sight. Meanwhile, the flights to Martha’s Vineyard also trigger the reaction of the governor of California who asks the Ministry of Justice to open an investigation on his colleague from Florida, Ron DeSantis. Gavin Newsom defines it as repulsive and illegal the transfer of immigrants and asylum seekers: a gesture claimed by the arch-conservative politician of Florida despite the fact that the illegal immigrants left San Antonio, Texas.

September 16, 2022 (change September 16, 2022 | 14:46)

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