EVGA will stop cooperation with NVIDIA and the production of graphics cards • HWzone

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In an unusual and surprising move, the one that was most associated with NVIDIA video cards announced that it will stop producing the chip giant’s video cards after a long period of close cooperation. The reason – “crazy schedule and inability to generate profit”

Completely surprisingly, the YouTube channel Gamers Nexus presents a unique item that caught us completely by surprise. EVGA, best known for its NVIDIA GeForce-based graphics cards for the past couple of decades, will stop making NVIDIA graphics cards as a result of what EVGA executives describe as “abuse” of the work style and impossible demands.

Source: Gamersnexus.net

According to what is known to Gamers Nexus, EVGA will completely stop the creation of video cards, do not plan to continue to the next series and do not intend to return. EVGA describes that working on the basis of NVIDIA products has become a mess for the company’s employees and managers, who do not know when products will be released and how much they will cost. As a result, the fate of the company’s revenue depends entirely on NVIDIA’s decisions and its dependence.

On the question of whether the decision to leave NVIDIA was difficult, an EVGA executive reported that it was very easy, but that they do not have information on whether they will move to work with Intel or AMD to create video cards. This means that EVGA may still decide to switch to one of these companies. Although, EVGA points out that due to its experience with the graphics card world, they are not going to miss work based on another company’s decisions.

Another reason is minimal to zero profits for video cards, in a situation where EVGA’s video cards are priced higher than NVIDIA’s own in the various stores. This factor not only prevents EVGA from making a profit, but it is made by the same manufacturer that supplies it with the chips to create its graphics cards.

Here at HWzone we did not get to work much with EVGA over the years, as its activity in Israel was limited. Although, we have been exposed a lot to the capabilities and engineering of EVGA graphics cards as well as the international warranty that has a healthy reputation.

It is impossible not to wonder if we are expected to see similar moves by other manufacturers, but it is definitely a move that will make the NVIDIA partnership think, and perhaps NVIDIA itself as well.

Readers will be advised to watch the embedded Gamers Nexus video for the full details.

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