Festival memory. From the “polis” of the Greeks to the lockdown, the many ways of “living together” – time.news

by time news

From 30 September to 2 October the three days organized in collaboration with Einaudi. The editorial director of the publishing house Ernesto Franco: “Living together is a complex destiny”

“Living together” is inherent to the human being, an inhabitant of polisthat is of the city: Aristotle claimed it and this is the reflection from which this year starts Memory Festival of Mirandola (Modena), the review born in 2016 from the collaboration between the Consortium for the Festival of Memory and the publisher Einaudi. The theme of the seventh edition (from Friday 30 September to Sunday 2 October) will be “” Living together “: a journey into the great little art of making and being a community” and will take into consideration the many ways, real or metaphorical, of coexistence (the religious community, the family, the army, love, generations, urban space) but will also analyze the circumstances in which living together is denied, be it war, lockdown or violence.

“It seemed interesting to us – explained the editorial director of Einaudi, Ernesto Franco, president of the scientific committee of the festival – the theme of “living together”, which was the title of a famous seminar by Roland Barthes. The philosopher, however, was concerned with small communities; we instead made the theme explode by understanding all the ways of living together ». Franco continues, illustrating the reason for the choice: «Because living together is a destiny. Unlike what happens for a monk, who makes the choice of isolation, our coexistence is a destiny, and we must realize it. And it is complicated, we have seen it with the pandemic and we see it now with the war. Globalization, had it been conducted intelligently, would have been the litmus test of the fact that the world lives together ”.

The opening day of the festival will be preceded by a preview on the evening of Thursday 29with the show The wars of Ulyssesstaged by the John Lennon Youth Band from an idea of ​​the Minister of Education Patrizio Bianchi (9 pm). The meetings will begin on Friday 30th, distributed in thematic circles (as a “community”, “city”, “planet”, without forgetting the tutelary deity of the festival, the humanist Pico della Mirandolawhich the section «thinking Pico» will be entitled to): opens the linguist Gian Luigi Beccaria with the lectio On the contrary: praise of slownesswe continue with the sociologist Sergio Manghi sui Paths of fraternity and the astronomer Cesare Barbieri on human travel in space, while the Strega award Mario Ten will deal with the concept of generation. Among the other guests of the first day, Veronica Raimo on the family, the general Giuseppe Cucchi on the dynamics of military life, the art historian Tomaso Montanari on the cities and the founder of the community of Bose Enzo Bianchi on the experience of religious brotherhood.

On Saturday 1 October, a series of meetings examines human coexistence and animal societies. The lectio of Silvia Romanian anthropologist of the classical world, analyzes a founding element of ancient societies, the myth, while the anthropologist intervenes on the concept of “restance” Vito Teti. Companies generate styles and fashions, the expert talks about them Claudio Calò and the writer and critic Marco Belpoliti. Of a capital with many faces, Rome, will speak Nicola Lagioiawho narrated the shadows in The city of the living (Einaudi). On the “natural” front, the animal “collectivities” of ants or wasps will pass under the ethologist’s lens Enrico Alleva; of cohabitations with which we have had to deal, with viruses and bacteria, will speak the epistemologist Gilberto Corbellini; and the reporter Eliana Liotta with the anthropologist Marino Niola it will deal with the link between thought, food and body. On Saturday, the problematic aspects of living together are also addressed: living with mental illness, with Vittorino Andreoli; or the experience of San Patrignano, with Fabio Cantelli Anibaldi; the question of cancel culturewith the classicist Maurizio Bettini; and the balance in the chessboard of nations, with the journalist Franco Di Mare and the anthropologist Marino Niola.

Sunday 2, the jurists Gustavo Zagrebelsky e Francesco Pallante they explain why it is necessary to Learn equality; the historian Michael Gotor clarifies the concept of “epoch” and intervenes on 1970s: last era of the last century; the philosopher Mauro Bonazzi compare the choice ofhero Achilles with that of citizen; closes Paolo Crepet on sociability and asociality in social networks. Here and there in the festival, focus on artistic and sporting coexistence, on music, theater, football, with many well-known protagonists. And a daily program for children too, with workshops that explain the various ways of living together.

September 15, 2022 (change September 15, 2022 | 11:14)

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