Horoscope: annual astrological forecast for people born under all zodiac signs for 2022 – Ono News

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lamb March 21 to April 19

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This year the planet of abundance and opportunity finally arrived for your luck, so it was a year in which you were able to enjoy the success you experienced and the way your life progressed greatly. It’s time to enjoy the fruits you planted. This year from April 23 you are also going to enjoy financial abundance following the star’s visit to your financial house and business opportunities will fall your way. The abundance that will come to you will help you continue to upgrade your life.

From a social point of view, despite the feelings of loneliness, you are still in a good period for you because life invites you the people who can fit your lifestyle and the world view you have adopted in the last year. Even in the coming year you will feel this way and you will still have the opportunity to understand that every difficulty is a basis for progress and it is important that at this stage, you will change the way you perceive the social world.

bull April 20 to May 20

Until the beginning of the year 23, the planet of abundance will still be found in the house of your subconscious, so that you can continue to receive enlightenment about how you should conduct yourself and even if you have difficulties as a result of fears that will arise, you can learn from this and upgrade yourself. From May 23 you will be lucky enough to have the planet of abundance come to visit you and then you will feel that here you are finally starting to get opportunities that fit your plans.

The challenging planet of difficulty, known by the name Saturn, has been with you for more than a year in the house of career and means that in all the last months and in the coming year you will be busy on the one hand with hard work and trying to establish your professional status and on the other hand it is very important for you to show that you are successful and can succeed in all your career and social fields, despite The difficulties that try to trick you along the way.

twins May 21 to June 21

This year is also going to be very significant for you on an interpersonal and especially social level. It seems that you will reach more and more people who are suitable and ready for you to continue your plans to develop in life, so you should be careful and not disappoint them. Later this year, your intuitive senses will be better and more developed than usual and it is very important that you learn to trust your gut feelings.

This is a year in which you will continue to make a significant change in your thinking patterns, because the planet Saturn, called the great teacher, is in a place where it is customary to associate it with worldview and studies. In the coming year you will have to take on significant changes in your work areas and may even have new responsibilities that will not be easy, but necessary for your progress.

cancer June 22 to July 22

You are at the beginning of a new era and it is the fact that the planet of abundance, known as Jupiter, is already in your career house and has given you the breakthrough you have been waiting for a long time. In the coming year from May, the star will continue to visit a place that can greatly influence you socially, so that you can promote yourself through people you know and you will be in demand in many places with the good energy you bring.

You are expected to have financial difficulties even though you trust that people related to you will help you. Money you expected will not come soon and it seems that you will learn that you can only build on yourself and not on other people’s empty promises, even if they are close to you. Since you will feel disappointed, it seems that this fact will push you to deepen personal relationships on a social and less intimate basis.

lion July 23 to August 22

The star of abundance is already in your house of travel and studies and made you change goals and start in new directions. Not necessarily what you wanted, but what reality directed you to. From the next half of the year following the visit of the star, you will start to enjoy the results and you will have professional, personal and career success. This is the time to direct your learning also to a future application of financial success.

In your house of partnerships for more than a year there has been a very significant star that should change your whole perception of life so that you understand that until today you probably have not conducted yourself well enough in personal and professional partnerships and it is possible that because of this fact, you have not yet reached the high places to which you aspire. For the lucky ones, this will be a year of significant learning about what relationships are right for you.

virgin August 23 to September 22

The planet of abundance known by its name Jupiter is already in a place that can illuminate your relationships for the better. You may receive unexpected help from close people, so it seems that you will be able to realize financial plans with the support you will receive. Even in the year 22, the star will continue its journey towards developing your learning abilities and since you are lucky with high learning abilities, it is important that you take advantage of this significant period.


This year you will be busy working hard and trying to prove to the environment and to yourself that the trust we placed in you is correct and that you can meet all expectations. In order to succeed, you will have to build new thinking patterns regarding your work style and it is very important that you be more open to a new worldview that will also include those close to you in your need to reinvent yourself. In addition, make sure to fill energy batteries.

Libra September 23 to October 22

The planet Jupiter known as the star of opportunity is already with you in the house of partnerships and has given you the ability to improve your relationships in the circles that are important to you such as relationships and partnerships that are not just personal. In the coming year you will be able to continue to develop and also build on financial help that can reach you through your partners in life. It’s time to learn to accept help and not resist it when you really need it.

It is very possible that this year you will have to pay more attention to new people who are close to you and may even be younger than you. In recent years, you have been very focused on yourself, so you may have paid less attention to those who need you and more quality time with you. In the coming year, you will have to work much harder and this price may result in physical and mental fatigue, so it is important that you also learn to rest.

Scorpion October 23 to November 21

The past year has been full of success in terms of your ability to accept new opportunities at work and it looks like you can reap the rewards in this area. Close people will come to your aid in 2022 as well and you will learn that you have someone to rely on and you will always have the right person by your side if you need him. This will also be the right time to think about how you are upgrading your life in other areas.

Your family home and everything related to the personal circle closest to you will require additional and renewed consideration in order to resolve conflicts that have been created for a long time and that you cannot end on your own. You may have to get outside help to solve problems. You have to change your thinking style, because it seems that even in the coming year you will feel that you are forced to face the same problems.

Rainbow November 22 to December 21

The planet of wealth Jupiter is in your house of creativity and children, therefore your relationships with people younger than you give its signals in a positive sense and you find a common language with them. Your creativity will also flourish this year. In the coming year you have good chances to succeed in everything related to your work and even though you will work more, it seems that you will be able to realize and combine your home and work in a good way.


You are in a significant conflict because you are trying to create a new line for yourself where you live and maybe even a new environment. This is exactly the time for you to invest in studies that will help you shape your future. Even in the coming year you will continue to deal with these thoughts and it seems that those close to you in the family circle will not always understand your need to maintain the existing and not to break the existing.

kid December 22 to January 19

The star of abundance that is in your family home this year brought with it many good opportunities to strengthen the interpersonal relationship in the family sphere. It is still the right time to shape your family life as you wanted in the first circle of your life. In the coming year, this planet will also visit your house of creation, so you will have invitations to share another area of ​​life with those closest to you.


The limiting planet Saturn is in your financial house and luckily for you this planet will not visit this house again, but in 27 years. And in the meantime, this is a time when you feel financial difficulty, because each time more and more expenses are added to you. In the coming year you will be ready to make significant changes such as moving or even changes within the existing one in order to design a comfortable environment for yourself.

Aquarius January 20 to February 18

This year you will feel the need for renewal because of changes you are going through on a personal level as well as on a professional level. You will want to find your own place, which you will be happy to design to suit your personal goals. In fact, any environmental change in the personal circle will be good for you, provided that it gives you a sense of renewal. In addition, there may be good news coming from the direction of the first circle of your life.


Paradoxically, you are the lucky person who can bear with reasonable success the presence of the planet Saturn in your sign because you are the lucky person who is also characterized by this planet, so difficulties are familiar to you and even reasonable for you. You have the ability to handle every responsibility that you have to take on yourself and the environment in which you live, and it seems that you meet it successfully.

fish February 19 to March 20

It seems that you are in a long period of trying new beginnings and trying to upgrade your life personally and financially. This is the time to open savings plans and transfer from place to place in order to accumulate more profits for yourself. In the coming year, it will be right for you to invest energy to find for yourself the place that you would like to upgrade, in order to become your personal corner.

The planet Saturn, known for its ability to bring difficulties, is still with you in the house of the subconscious. On the one hand, fears may arise that until today you were not aware of, and on the other hand, this is exactly the right time to take care of them and get rid of them once and for all. You will feel this way this year as well, but you will have the ability to take responsibility and change in your life what needs change in order to achieve success.

* It is recommended to read together with Mazal Haofek.

* The forecast is general for people born under all zodiac signs. For a personal forecast it is recommended to make an astrological map.

The weekly forecast by Tsila Shir-El, an astrologer and marriage and family counselor. mobile 0522248626 Email [email protected]

Tsila Shir al.  Private photo
Tsila Shir al. Private photo

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