CasaCorriere Festival Spalletti: sport is a value. But on the pitch my boys become predators

by time news

twelve o’clock, November 5, 2021 – 10:23 PM

The Napoli coach at the talk “Game between Excellence”: “Osimhen as Van Basten”

from Monica Scozzafava

CasaCorriere Festival was also the “Game of excellence”, and in the “space of the future” from which to start again there is an open field where last night the top-ranked Napoli coach “played”, Luciano Spalletti and the first, great star of Italian swimming, Novella Calligaris. The Palatine Chapel of the Royal Palace has opened its doors to two very prestigious sportsmen. Two prime numbers, which confronted each other on the value of sport, from different perspectives. The thought was unique: sport is a value, sport means respect and also gratitude. The same one that Spalletti wanted, in the meantime, to give to his team, to the entire working group «thanks to which we are where we are today».

«I thank everyone – he said – the club, the boys and the staff. I have a team manager, Beppe Santoro, a top professional who knows about football. His role as a team manager, and I also said this during a lecture a few years ago at Luiss, is fundamental. I’m with us here tonight Alessandro Formisano e Guido Baldari. Well, I’ve never thanked them all together, this seems to me the best location and opportunity ».

The dressing room

Spalletti is the advocate of team play, he is the architect of the state of great grace of his dressing room. It’s up to him to make the choices and explain them too. “With the boys it’s a question of credibility,” he added. Then, the news and the victory of Thursday evening in Warsaw and what he calls “the instinct of the predator”. But also the primacy in the league and that word scudetto that he does not pronounce but marries: «We are well at the top and we want to stay there. We want to give continuity. The team still has room for improvement and I am confident we can do more. Sunday will miss His Majesty (Koulibaly, ed) but I have a team of professionals able to make up for his absence ».

L’Europa League

Many absences also in the Europa League, yet first here too. «We had complicated the race for qualification a bit. We entered the field not in the correct way, we spoiled the game. Then I congratulated them because they fixed the game, the five substitutions give the possibility to change 50% of the team. The relay for the last leg, the fastest, is essential. However, it is difficult to make it understood. I wish all my boys were always hungry, the instinct of the predator ». Novella Calligaris he listens to him: «The team concept is fundamental, in life as in all sports disciplines – added the former Italian swimming star -. Even individual ones. Sport must enter schools, it must teach. Valuing talents. At the Tokyo Olympics the South did its part by enriching the medal table, athletes who probably come from areas where the sports facilities are not there or are in poor condition ». Spalletti dedicates a great deal of his time to his athletes (“I don’t have a social life, here only a field and a few good dinners”) and he lives with them in the attic of the first place in the standings. Together with Milan, an evocative duel that brings back to past glories. «It was a different football, without social networks – says – the Napoli coach. We were in line to buy the ticket at the stadium, we knew the formations by heart. Milan had incredible champions, Napoli had the unreproducible ».


Spalletti then lends himself to another “game of excellence” when we ask him to compare Osimhen to a champion of those times. And it is a very ambitious combination. “Victor? Yes, it reminds me Van Basten, which was more technical. But Osimhen is younger and is in a position to join him ».


Sport is also an example for children and often behaviors on football fields are not the best. Spalletti was booed at the Olimpico in Rome. In the Giallorossi club he coached for five and a half years, a long period of success that ended with the bitter “quarrel” with Totti. “I would never take my son to make me hear while I insult an adult, so discrimination is legitimized. We feel a little bad, it’s depressing for the kids ». The president of the Consortium for the Protection of Mozzarella di Bufala Campana PDO will also attend the talk, Domenico Raimondo which reveals: “With our mozzarella we have consoled the opponents that Napoli defeated.” Spalletti is very ready: «Well, the winners are fine too». And get a promise.

November 5, 2021 | 22:23

© Time.News

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