Arrassusìa –

by time news

NoonSeptember 18, 2022 – 09:49 am

It means: “you never know”. It is used for conjuration

from eri de luca

It means: never, from the verb arrassa ‘, move away. “Arràssate ça me tigne, he said ‘o gravunaro”, get out of the way to get me dirty, said the charcoal burner. Equivalent of the ox who gives a horned to the donkey, it is the voice of one who accuses another of his own faults. It is a widespread political method.

Arrassusìa is used for conjuring. My grandmother preferred it to the more popular shoo shoo, which is accompanied by a move with index and little finger pointing down. She applied it to ominous news, big or small. Doesn’t the blood of San Gennaro melt? Arrassusìa. Did he fall down the stairs? Arrassusìa.

In Naples the pawnshop was used as a credit institution. An object of value was deposited out of need for cash. Then it could be recovered by paying back. It was often impossible to take it back. Then the case was discussed in families: «What did we do? Did we pinch the ring ‘and mom? ». Shall we commit mom’s ring? She frowned.

18 September 2022 | 09:49

© Time.News

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