In her back-to-school speech, Marine Le Pen celebrates the “patriotic wave” in Europe and opposes pension reform

by time news

Marine Le Pen held, on Sunday, September 18, a back-to-school speech as part of the parliamentary days of the National Rally at Cap d’Agde (Hérault) which brought together, on Saturday and Sunday, the 89 RN deputies elected at the Palais-Bourbon, and in order to reinforce the veneer of respectability of the party. The opportunity for the far-right movement to unveil its new slogan: “The alternation for France. »

The moment was long awaited. Marine Le Pen’s speech followed the speeches of the two contenders for the head of the far-right party, Jordan Bardella and Louis Aliot. The election of the next president of the RN must indeed occur during the next congress of the movement, on November 5.

Celebrating the “Patriotic Wave” in Europe

Marine Le Pen first returned to the historic election of the 89 RN deputies during the legislative elections in June. “We never doubted” she assures about what she describes as “greatest victory that the national movement has known in fifty years of existence”. And to add in a lyrical flight:

“These moments, let’s face it, are moments of eternity like a mother’s first look at her child, like the landscape that takes your breath away, like the magnificent bird that you don’t want to see fly away. »

For the president of the far-right party, the election of RN deputies is part of a “a wave of patriotism that runs through our entire continent (…), yesterday Sweden, tomorrow Italy”, she said, the day after the unprecedented victory of a team between the right and the extreme right in the Swedish legislative elections. In Italy, a coalition bringing together Fratelli d’Italia of Giorgia Meloni (post-fascist) and Forza Italia of Silvio Berlusconi (liberal right) is favored in the legislative elections of 25th September. Marine Le Pen judged « inexorable » ce “great return of the nations of Europe”a “political revolution” et “a disavowal of a European Union” who is not “even more federal, but imperial”.

Regarding international issues, the finalist in the presidential election denounced a “hallucinating speech of Mme from the Leyen »the President of the European Commission, about the war in Ukraine and Russia, accusing her of “dangerous bellicose postures”. She castigated “a European Union hysterized by the war in Ukraine in inappropriate and thoughtless sanctions” against Russia.

RN deputies with Marine Le Pen, during the parliamentary days of the National Rally, at the Palais des Congrès in Cap d'Agde, September 18, 2022.

“We will oppose the pension reform”

Marine Le Pen then tackled the pension reform that Emmanuel Macron intends to accelerate this fall through the Social Security financing bill (PLFSS). A reform, she judges, “untimely, unjust and apt to create unnecessary divisions”.

Then, as a favorite theme, Marine Le Pen focused on immigration and security issues, criticizing the Head of State’s migration policy: “The European Union’s migration pact proposes to introduce forced relocations of migrants throughout Europe”she said. “Well, Emmanuel Macron announces that he wants to impose it without delay throughout France (…). L’immigration (…), only the National Rally is opposed to it. » Describing the security situation as “Cataclysmic in certain French departments” she sent her support in particular to the island of Mayotte and her “safe hell”. Support that comes four days after the decision of Mayotte’s elected officials to close schools and administrations to protest against insecurity on the island and the outbreak of violence.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The succession of Marine Le Pen, a new step in the normalization of the National Rally

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