Rabbi Yehiel Michal, the man of kindness from the Bible, has passed away

by time news

Rabbi Yehiel Michal Horberg, late of Bnei Brak, died at his home in Bnei Brak. His funeral will leave tonight at 23.00 from his home at 14 Rabbi Shech St. to Beit Hayim Ponivez, Shem Yeatman

Baruch Dayan the truth: this evening we received the sad news of the passing of the man of kindness and action who was a rabbi of deeds for the Torah and for kindness Rabbi Yechiel Michal Horberg the late and he was 74 years old at the time of his passing.

As the son of holocaust survivor parents, scion of the followers of Ozerov Hanchien, his entire life was steeped in a deep-rooted faith that influenced his entire family.

He was known for his integrity and innocence in the service of God, and was a bearer and giver in faith. All his life he adhered to the faith of the righteous and wise.

The deceased was the collector of the ‘Reot’ synagogue on Rabbi Shech Street in Bnei Brak, near his home, and always made sure that the children prayed there. He is the one who made the alumni of the ‘Or Yisrael’ yeshiva come there as he respects the people of Torah with all his heart. He returned his soul to its creator after being tormented.

He left behind generations of righteous people who follow his path. His sons: Rabbi Yosef Horberg, the man of kindness, and Rabbi Yair Horberg, his daughters-in-law: Rabbi Israel Weiss, Rabbi Shlomo Weintraub, and Rabbi Yitzchak Greenbaum.

The funeral procession will leave this evening at 23:00 from his home at 14 Rabbi Shech St. in Bnei Brak, Beit Chaim Ponivez, where Yeatman is.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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