Vivekananda’s Chicago Lecture! Sep.19: 3rd Day Speech | Dinamalar

by time news

Interfaith Conference held in Chicago: It had been 400 years since Columbus discovered America. To celebrate its completion, a grand exhibition was organized in Chicago, USA. About 20 conferences on science and economics were held in the exhibition.

There the Interfaith Council discourses were held for seventeen days from 11th to 27th September 1893. There they conducted programs every day, divided into three sections, in each section

Brothers and sisters! Vivekananda began his discourse majestically. The scoffers were silenced. The distraught people were surprised to see the dress. After a short break, Vivekananda resumed his speech. The entire arena looked at him; He only heard speech; What he says is imprinted in their minds. In this crowd he stood out in dress and looks and he won the stage slogan alone. After he finished speaking, a crowd followed him.

Hindu religion

After Ramakrishna’s death in 1886, Vivekananda and other principal disciples of Ramakrishna became monks. Vivekananda then traveled around the Indian subcontinent for four years. Through his travels, Vivekananda got to know the culture, tradition and living conditions of all parts of India.

At that time the standard of living of Indian people was very low. Also, it was a time when Indians were enslaved by the British. At the end of his journey, Vivekananda went to Kanyakumari on 24 December 1892 and spent three days meditating on a rock in the middle of the sea. He later mentioned that those three days were spent meditating on India’s past, present, and future. Even today, the rock is being maintained as a memorial to Vivekananda.

Vivekananda, who came to Chennai from Kanyakumari, was requested by the youth of Chennai to participate in the 1893 World Conference of Religions on behalf of Hinduism. Accepting it, Vivekananda traveled to America. His speeches at the World Conference of Religions in Chicago were well received in that country.

We have only six discourses delivered on September 11, 15, 19, 20, 26, and 27. Out of these six discourses, the discourse on the first day on 11th September and the discourse on Hinduism on the third day on 19th September are important.

He also stayed in the highlands for a few years and gave many lectures and introduced them to Vedanta ideas. He established Vedanta centers in New York and London.
The Americans, mesmerized by Vivekananda’s magical discourses, had the pleasure of having Vivekananda speak in Iowa, St. Louis, Cambridge, Washington, and New York. While Vivekananda was in America, his discourses were published in book form and received great response from the American people.

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