The Ministry of Public Health downgraded the level of the “EOC” center for smallpox after the patient tends to decline.

by time news

Dr. Opas Karn Kawinpong Director-General of the Department of Disease Control Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) He said that after reports of the outbreak of smallpox or monkey pox (Monkey pox), the Department of Disease Control has set up a Public Health Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in case of monkeypox. for surveillance at the department level Since the end of May 65

Later, when the World Health Organization (WHO) declared smallpox as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), the Ministry of Public Health held a meeting to prepare a response to the situation. and upgrade the EOC Center to the Ministry level Make surveillance orders have nationwide coverage.

However, from the surveillance and surveillance of monkey pox, it was found that the situation of new cases around the world is clearly decreasing. From the highest in August 65, about 1,000 cases per day, now there is an average of 580 cases per day.

for Thailand A total of 8 cases of monkey pox were found in a period of 4 months, an average of 2 per month. Most of them had a history of changing sexual partners, 3 of 7 had a history of showing symptoms before returning to Thailand.

The main contact factor was close contact through sex. This is consistent with WHO data and from high-risk exposure tracking. No further infection has been found. Shows that the disease is not easily transmitted. Therefore, it is proposed to lower the level of the monkeypox EOC center from the ministry level back to the department level as before.

Even downgrading the zero EOC to the department level But monkey pox is still a contagious disease that requires surveillance, so when suspected cases are found, reports and investigations must be made. which from the analysis of the number of laboratory tests found that there were patients who sent for laboratory tests But the disease investigation has not been reported to the Department of Disease Control. Therefore asking both public and private hospitals across the country Case reports of suspected monkey pox cases to further increase the intensity of monitoring the disease situation.” Dr. Opas said

Section of monkey pox prevention Avoid close contact with people who have fever, rash, blisters, pustules around the body. Wear a mask while in close contact with others, wash your hands often with soapy water, and avoid having sex with multiple partners. or a stranger If there are suspected symptoms such as body rash, pustules, blisters, pustules, blisters, scabs, after fever, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, and enlarged lymph nodes You can get tested for infection at a hospital near your home immediately.

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