The monkeypox virus: questions about vaccines and drugs | News item

by time news

News item | 19-09-2022 | 10:00

The monkeypox virus has been present in Europe since the spring of 2022. There are medicines for the rare disease caused by the virus. There is also a vaccine. A medicine for monkey pox is Tecovirimat. We have Imvanex as a vaccine in the Netherlands. We list a number of questions and answers.

Questions and answers

Because the disease has also appeared in the Netherlands in recent months, you may have questions. For example, what the side effects are of the medicines and vaccines. And whether the vaccine works well against this disease. We answer three frequently asked questions here. You can find them via the link below. Is your question not listed? Then email us!


The smallpox vaccine Imvanex can be used as a vaccine to protect adults against the monkeypox virus. Imvanex was approved in the European Union in 2013 to prevent smallpox. This has recently been expanded to include protection against the monkeypox virus.

This vaccine contains an attenuated form of the vaccinia virus. The smallpox virus, monkey pox virus and vaccinia virus contained in the vaccine are similar. The vaccine provides protection and has mild to moderate side effects. The product information for healthcare professionals and the Imvanex package leaflet are available in our Medicines Information Bank.

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