Where to buy active and real instagram followers

by time news


Updated 09/19/2022 at 5:36 p.m.

It is very difficult to build your audience on Instagram when you start from scratch on this platform. For this reason, many successful influencers who are just starting out decide to buy followers instead of spending several months building a community or as a way to consolidate a base from which to grow in reach.

11 Sites to Buy Real Followers on Instagram

1 Eurosur.org

Buying Instagram followers at Eurosur.org is, without a doubt, the best solution if you want to benefit from a quality promotion service provided by true professionals. Eurosur.org offers a high quality service in line with the needs of the market.

2 Veloza.io

If you are interested in buying followers on Instagram, you should know Veloza.io for the quality of its services to increase followers. The site offers one of the best services on the market, if not the best. The main defect of this site is that it offers a limited number of services, you will not find as many opportunities or options as Eurosur.org

3 Fast Followers

RapidoSeguidores is a site that no longer needs to be introduced: the site is known and recognized for its high quality services. Resorting to the services of this site is still a safe value, in the same way as for Eurosur.org or Veloza.io.

4 Mr Insta

If you really want to increase your visibility on Instagram, then Mr Insta is definitely the place to go. The site has been offering services for several years, always up to par.

5 Likesforge

As its name suggests, Likesforge is still a reference when it comes to buying Instagram likes or followers. The site is a bit old, but it’s still up to date.

6 Redsocial

Redsocial has a platform that is still a bit old and unattractive for people who do not know their services, but it is very good.

7 Dailyfollows

Dailyfollows is an international site that has been offering a quality service for several years. The site does not offer specific services.

8 Famoid

Famoid is an American site that is still a reference. It is a good alternative option if you have not found any other site that suits you.

9 Fixed Likes

Vastlikes is a site that may seem a bit complicated to use and old at first glance, but they offer good services. However, they only accept payments in cryptocurrency.

10 FollowerPackage

FollowerPackage is a site that needs no introduction, the quality of the services offered and the reliability of this provider for several years make it a good choice.

11 Insta Mom

If you want to trust your mom to boost your visibility on Instagram, you should buy your followers on this site :). Insta Mama is still a viable option to boost your instagram account.

Buy followers without loss

When you buy followers you want them to stay subscribed to your account for as long as possible. Most of the sites that offer real followers on Instagram cannot guarantee that the followers will stay subscribed to your account as they are real and can unsubscribe whenever they want. To deal with this problem, some sites offer their customers to buy guaranteed followers, which means that if some subscribers unsubscribe, they will be replaced by others thanks to this guarantee.

Buy active followers on Instagram

Getting followers is good, buying assets is better. When you choose to buy active followers on Instagram, you can expect them to like the photos you post if they are especially powerful. However, do not think that by choosing to buy active followers Instagram is going to do all the work for you. First, you must publish exceptional content and then buying active followers will allow you to boost the visibility of your account and, why not, get free likes.

How many followers should I buy?

– Buy 100 followers

Buying 100 followers is a strategy for small ‘influencers’ who are just starting out and who strive to get the first ‘likes’ on the photos they have just published. For those, buying 100 followers can get their account off the ground and allow them to have a good growth in their visibility but if you already have 1,000 or 2,000 followers on Instagram, believe that it is not 100 followers more or less that will make a difference. Most fan sites offer a 100 fan pack as the smallest, so you can use it to test their services and then order more.

– Buy 1000 followers

The ‘pack’ of 1000 followers on Instagram is, without a doubt, the most precious. In fact, by having over 1k followers you can proudly display a four-digit follower count. You may think this is not important, but in people’s minds it makes a difference. Buying 1000 followers is just as suitable for someone who wants to gain popularity on the networks as it is for a business that wants to buy a few more followers without being noticed.

– Buy 10k followers

Just like buying 1k Instagram followers, buying 10,000 insta followers allows you to display a follower counter with more numbers which is very interesting from a psychological point of view. In fact, you will benefit more from going from 9k followers to 10k followers than from going from 5k followers to 7k. Buying 10k followers on Instagram is great for people who are starting a new business in quite competitive sectors and it allows them to gain a lot of notoriety.

– Buy 100k followers

A pack of 100k followers is for most small to medium ‘influencers’ the right pack to buy. In fact, if you have between zero and 200k followers, it is likely that this pack, which will cost a few hundred euros at most, will change your account completely. Afterwards, you will have much more visibility on Instagram and people who hesitate to follow you will not think twice as you will be more credible.

From which countries can fans be purchased?

– Followers in Spain

If you live in Spain, you have the possibility to choose. You only need a credit card to buy followers in Spain on Instagram. You will not need to pay with Paypal or Paysafecard.

– Followers in Mexico

If you live in Mexico, you can go to a Spanish website to buy followers from Mexico. Since Mexico is part of Europe, you won’t have much difficulty buying followers in Mexico.

– Followers in Argentina

If you live in Argentina, it can be a bit more complicated to buy ‘followers’ on Instagram from Argentina: you don’t have the euro in your country and therefore have a different currency than the one that appears on most sites. To buy Instagram followers in Argentina you will have to adapt and pay your followers in euros, which, unfortunately, will involve exchange fees. To avoid this, you can always use bitcoin, but again there are high transaction costs. It is imperative that you avoid buying followers with Paypal, because the exchange fees for this service are even higher than in traditional banks.

– Followers in Colombia

If you live in Colombia, you may find it difficult to buy followers on a Colombian website. This is simply because the country is relatively small, which makes it difficult to find a site that is exclusively Colombian, but thanks to the internet, you can easily go to a Latin or Spanish site that allows you to buy followers in Colombia without problems.

– Followers in Peru

If you live in Peru, it is likely that it will also cost you to pay for followers with the currency of your country, you will probably have to go to an international page and in most cases the payment is made in euros. Therefore, you must be able to pay in euros to buy Instagram followers in Peru.

Buy followers and ‘likes’ on Instagram

Many people only buy active followers on Instagram and think that this will work perfectly for them, but it is not that easy. In fact, if you only buy Instagram followers and neglect to buy likes, you risk lowering your engagement rate considerably, which is very bad for your visibility. Indeed, even if you have bought Spanish and active followers, you have to take into account that they will surely be less active than your biggest fans who like and comment on each of your publications. Keep in mind that when you are a small ‘influencer’ you are very close to your community and, as a general rule, you have much higher ‘engagement’ rates than international stars.

Should you buy instagram likes in addition to followers?

Clearly yes. To begin with, because it is more natural. If your community notices that you’re getting more followers because of a promotion, but they notice that your like counters aren’t moving accordingly, they probably realize something’s wrong. On the other hand, if you’re buying likes at the same time as your followers, it’s likely to go unnoticed by your community. Instagram’s algorithms will make a logical progression and then put your account at the forefront.

Is it possible to buy instagram followers with paypal?

There are some pages that allow you to buy Instagram ‘followers’ with PayPal, but this is not the case for all of them. Most sites only accept credit cards. Some sites also allow you to buy followers with bitcoin or cryptocurrencies.

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