De Dominicis (J&J MedTech): ‘digital technologies for sustainable healthcare’

by time news

For the sustainability of the health system we focus on digital technologies. We are convinced that these can offer opportunities to enrich the access and quality of professional training of the surgical class, contribute to optimizing the resources of the health system and personalize the treatment pathways “. Like this Silvia De DominicisCEO and president of Johnson & Johnson MedTech Italia, in a note released during the 40th Acoi Congress (Association of Italian Hospital Surgeons), taking place from 18 to 21 September in Riva del Garda.

At the Acoi congress entitled ‘Towards a better performance’, J&J reaffirms its sustainability goal: to innovate to support the healthcare system to treat more patients, with a constant eye not only on clinical outcomes but also on the quality of life, of the patient and as well as on the health of the planet in which we live, strongly linked to human health. In terms of economic and social sustainability of the health system, at the congress, J&J offers innovation and training in support of surgeons and their performance to address the recovery of missed interventions and increasingly complex cases, a consequence of post-pandemic diagnostic and care delays.

The surgeons of the Acoi congress – reads the company note – will have the opportunity to practice with J&J products in the Training Village, as well as to learn more about the services and technological solutions that the company offers to help health professionals to make the treatment process more effective and efficient in the pre, intra and post-operative phases. The role of technologies and the active role of patients is crucial, in the future imagined by J&J, to be able to treat more patients with the aim of improving clinical outcomes and the management of human and economic and financial resources. “We are convinced – underlines De Dominicis – that everyone can contribute to the restart and the future of health: citizens and patients must be adequately informed in order to become a fundamental active part of the prevention and treatment process“.

Precisely aiming at patient empowerment – again on the subject of economic and social sustainability of the Italian healthcare system – J&J MedTech also emphasizes the problem of surgical site infections during the congress, presenting to surgeons the prevention campaign ‘Points of difference ‘, aimed at patients.

Surgical site infections – recalls J&J in the note – still represent one of the main reasons for re-hospitalization in Italy today, weighing heavily on the already limited resources of the health system and, even more so in a period of post-pandemic recovery, also negatively impacting the recovery of waiting lists, as well as the rapid recovery of the patient’s health conditions. A patient informed and supported by their surgeon can actively contribute to the prevention of the risk of the onset of this problem, hence the attention to his involvement. On the topic of surgical site infections, Acoi recently completed the ‘Acoissima’ project by publishing the recommendations for the prevention of surgical site infections in the ‘Giornale diirurgia – Journal of Italian Surgical Association’.

Last, but certainly not least, the focus that J&J Medtech together with Acoi turns to the environmental aspect of sustainability during this congress. Each surgeon, at the company’s stand, will be able to calculate the CO2 emissions produced by their presence at the event. Emissions that will be compensated thanks to the partnership of J&J Medtech Italia with Treedom who will take care of planting a tree for each person who will take part in the initiative. The collaboration was made available to the Acoi congress to sensitize the surgeon community to the impact of health management activities on the environment: it is estimated that over 38% of the overall ecological footprint is determined by health systems.

It is the first time that in the Acoi congress we place the theme of environmental sustainability among the important themes of this congress edition – he claims Marco Scatizzi, President Acoi – We believe that many of the challenges that our scientific community is facing today in the care of citizens are in part the effect of nefarious behaviors perpetrated against the planet we live in and, for the future – he adds – will also depend from us to break this not very virtuous circle. This is a topic on which we want to start raising awareness in our community and for this reason we liked to start by making our 40th congress sustainable in the meantime by inviting our associates to reflect on the behaviors that everyone can adopt to reduce the environmental footprint in exercise of our activities “.

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