a sarcophagus from the time of Ramses II presented at Saqqara

by time news

In recent years, Egyptian archaeologists have linked discoveries and presentations to the press of tombs and sarcophagi in the necropolis of Saqqarah (or “Saqqara”) south of Cairo. Latest events: the discovery of the sarcophagus of Ptah-em-uya, “a senior official” under Pharaoh Ramses II who reigned over Egypt in the 13th century BC. The unearth was carried out by a team of Egyptian archaeologists from Cairo University, according to a statement from the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.

Descended from the nobility, Ptah-em-uya was “royal secretary, chief overseer of livestock and head of the treasury of the Ramasseum”, memorial built to the glory of Ramses II in Thebes, the current Luxor. He was also “responsible for the offerings to all the gods of Upper and Lower Egypt”, said Mostafa Waziri, director of the Supreme Council of Antiquities.

The tomb of Ptah-em-uya was discovered in 2021, but recent excavations have uncovered the granite sarcophagus, “covered with inscriptions” pour “protect the deceased” as well as “scenes representing his sons and the god Horus”, according to the Ministry of Antiquities.

The Saqqara site has revealed many “treasures” archeology in recent years. Egypt announced in May the discovery of a cache containing 250 sarcophagi and 150 bronze statues.

Some critics believe that the frantic excavations in Egypt have prioritized media spectacle over solid academic research, but Cairo is counting on these new discoveries to boost tourism, pending the inauguration of the “Grand Egyptian Museum” ( GEM), postponed several times. Described as “the largest archaeological museum in the world”, the GEM should be inaugurated this year.

The site of Saqqara, located just over 15 kilometers south of the famous pyramids of the Giza Plateau, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is known for the famous step pyramid of Pharaoh Djoser.

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