Science Cafe with Prof. dr. Marion Koopmans: Fighting viral infections

by time news

Prof. dr. Dr Marion Koopmans is professor of virology at the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, specializing in viral diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans. She is a member of the Health Council and advises the World Health Organization.

She is also a member of the Outbreak Management Team that advises the government on measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.

In 2018, Prof. Koopmans received the Stevin Prize, the highest award in Dutch science. She also received the Machiavelli Prize and the Iris Medal, annual prizes in the field of (science) communication, and she actively participates in the public debate on virological issues.

Many infectious diseases such as corona, Ebola and Q fever have spread from animals to humans. The realization that the health of people partly depends on the health of animals has been around for a long time. Prof. dr. Koopmans is scientific director of the Netherlands Center for One Health, which combines national and international research to tackle the global risk of infectious diseases in a sustainable way. This risk is partly influenced by the changing climate and the loss of biodiversity.

Prof. dr. Koopmans conducted important research into noroviruses, notorious causes of stomach flu, and contributed to the fight against the Ebola and Zika outbreaks. Last year, the Pandemic & Disaster Preparedness Center was opened in Erasmus MC in order to be better prepared for future virus outbreaks and disasters. Prof. dr. Koopmans investigates, among other things, the genetic variation in the DNA or RNA of virus variants in order to gain insight into the way in which viruses and virus variants evolve and spread among humans and animals.
In her lecture, Prof. Koopmans will discuss the fight against virus infections and what the corona pandemic has taught us.

When: September 29, 2022 – 7.30 pm to 10.15 pm
Location: Theater room of the Christian College Nassau-Veluwe (CCNV), Stationsstraat 26, Harderwijk.
Music: Duo Heels&Sneakers
Presentation: Jan Douwe Kroeske
Access: Follow the website ( for the most up-to-date access rules.

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