“Let’s talk to his disappointed fans” – time.news

by time news
from Greta Privitera

Ksenia Thorstrom is now in Finland: “We are 70 deputies against the Tsar, we ask for his resignation”

The document reads: “We, Russian municipal deputies, believe that Vladimir Putin’s actions are detrimental to the future of Russia and its citizens. We demand the resignation of Vladimir Putin from the office of President ». In a country where the opposition is imprisoned or forced to silence, asking for the resignation of the president-czar is an unparalleled act of courage. Some municipal deputies of St. Petersburg did so which, for now, have managed to collect more than 70 signatures from colleagues from other cities.

“In this general silence, where our parliamentarians do not raise their heads, it is we who have to do something. We, small fish of the sea who have little political strength, who only manage the daily affairs of our municipalities, but like everyone else we risk ending up inside.»He tells on the phone Ksenia Thorstromdeputy of the Semyonovski district of St. Petersburg, signatory and promulgator (also via social media) of the petition.

Where did the idea come from?

“We have been discussing what to do on Telegram for ten days. After seven colleagues were accused of discrediting the authority with another document against the invasion of Ukraine, we have decided to lend our support. We are trying to collect as many signatures as possible, membership is high ».

Why wouldn’t your document, on the other hand, discredit authority?

“Because, according to the law, asking for a resignation is not discrediting. Incredible. It took us days to formulate these two simple sentences to avoid any accusation. Here is a second that they take you inside. We were careful never to say “war”, there are many cases of ordinary people who ended up in court because they wrote “war” on social networks ».

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov commented on your document saying that critical views are tolerated, within the limits of the law.

«Who knows if our opposition will really be respected. We tried to write a text that would bring together not only the liberal and democratic souls of this country, but also the disappointed supporters of Putin. There are”.

Who I am? And why should they appreciate a document against the leader?

«Putinians like strong men, those who win. The Zelensky counter-offensive of recent times is weakening the image of the leader. And then everyone saw that in the end he didn’t take Kiev as he promised. Putin was respected because he seemed tough, some of him don’t like seeing his frailties and this can become a reason to turn away from him ».

Do you think there are still many citizens who support it?

«Half of the population lives a parallel reality. These people entrust their heads to television, read nothing and seek independent information. They seriously believe that Russia is threatened by Westerners and that Ukraine is full of Nazis, just as the TV tells. Among them is my mother. The other half, on the other hand, is against Putin but she is afraid of opposing it and going to a bad end, which is why we are moving forward ».

What comments did you receive after the publication of the document?

“Thank you very much. Many citizens were moved, this petition is one of the first and only signs of hope. Parliament does not represent any of us ».

Excuse me, why do you speak so openly?

“Right now I am in Finland, I am the safest of the 70 signatory deputies and I have been chosen to act as spokesperson. I don’t know what will happen when I return, but I want to return. ‘

September 19, 2022 (change September 20, 2022 | 08:28)

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