LFI deputies assume to “grope” on a “complex” question; Elisabeth Borne considers Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s reaction “extremely shocking”

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Almost a week after its start, the Adrien Quatennens affair continues to cause a stir within La France insoumise (LFI). During the back-to-school press conference of her political group in the Assembly, Tuesday, September 20, MP Clémentine Autain assured that “no one dithered to say that Adrien Quatennens should be put on hold” of the party after he admitted to domestic abuse. Figure of the young guard of LFI, the deputy of the North is under investigation after a handrail filed by his wife.

Read also: MP Adrien Quatennens “steps back” from his role as coordinator of La France insoumise

Asked about the fact that Jean-Luc Mélenchon had reiterated his ” trust “ to the young deputy, arousing internal criticism, Mme Autain admitted that it was necessary “to work further on these issues and perhaps in a transpartisan way”. Mrs Autain, however, considered that it was necessary to recognize the “complexity” such situations, requiring respect for the presumption of innocence of the defendants, to take into account the difficulty on a human level of dealing with the case of “comrades” or even respect for the victims.

Read the survey: Article reserved for our subscribers Jean-Luc Mélenchon, his lieutenants and the “rebellious” feminists

“Mandatory” training

“Yes, we assume that we are fumbling, that it is a difficult question”declared for her part LFI MP Danièle Obono, also questioned about the management by her movement of cases of gender-based or sexual violence:

“We assume to have failures, not to have a perfect protocol. »

Ms. Obono pointed out that the LFI deputies were going to attend a training ” obligatory “ on sexist and sexual violence during their parliamentary days, scheduled for Thursday and Friday to prepare for the return to parliament.

Mme Autain also underlined the limits of “total transparency”in reference to the declarations, the day before, of the ecologist deputy Sandrine Rousseau, who said that she had received at her house a woman accusing the national secretary of Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV), Julien Bayou, of “behaviours likely to break the moral health of women” :

“When I hear Sandrine Rousseau yesterday [dire] for example that the ex-girlfriend of Julien Bayou, whom she herself received (…) attempted suicide, I don’t know if this woman wants all of France to know that she attempted suicide. »

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The Quatennens affair, a first flaw in the domination of Jean-Luc Mélenchon at LFI

Fabien Roussel wants common “rules” for parties

For his part, the boss of the French Communist Party, Fabien Roussel, called on the political parties on Tuesday to reflect together on a “framework of rules” to deal with violence against women, relying on justice that must be ” fast “ et “specialized”.

On this topic, “there is a vacuum, everyone takes their own device to fight against violence in their party, I suggest that we discuss it together, between political leaders of the left, of the right, we are all confronted with this”, proposed on BFM-TV and RMC the deputy of the North. And explain:

“Today we are being asked, people are being asked, to be the prosecutors in these cases, we are being asked, party leaders, business leaders, union leaders, to be the prosecutors and judge, and I think it’s not up to us to do that, it’s up to the courts to do it, and quickly. »

On the sidelines of a press briefing on the second bicycle plan in the Matignon courtyard, the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, judged on Tuesday “extremely shocking to have someone trivializing domestic violence”in reference to the tweet published on Sunday by Jean-Luc Mélenchon to support Adrien Quatennens.

“To succeed in making a tweet with so many laudatory remarks towards someone who expresses the admission of having committed violence, it’s still incredible”for her part reacted on Tuesday the leader of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen, on France inter.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The Adrien Quatennens affair plunges rebellious France into embarrassment

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