when is the next payment due?

by time news

EXCEPTIONAL BACK-TO-SCHOOL BONUS. The first round of inflation bonus payments is over. However, not everyone was served.

[Mis à jour le 20 septembre 2022 à 08h07] The payment of the exceptional back-to-school bonus took place on September 15 for the vast majority of the 11 million beneficiaries. Be careful, you may be one of the few “latecomers”, these beneficiaries who will have to wait until mid-November to pocket the 100 euros plus 50 euros per additional dependent child. Indeed, the payment of the inflation bonus for recipients of the activity bonus (28 euros plus 14 euros per dependent child) will be the last chance to benefit from it. Beyond the month of November, if you still have not received the payment, it is because you are simply not one of the beneficiaries. As a reminder, the payment is made directly to your bank account, you do not have to take any action, the paying agency already knows your bank details (Pôle Emploi or CAF for example).

Also, we strongly advise you to check the conditions of access to the bonus if any doubt still remains. You must absolutely be a beneficiary of social minima such as the RSA or the APL (complete list below) or be a scholarship student. Outside of these criteria, you will not be entitled to the inflation bonus. We invite you to contact the organization concerned for more information. They will be able to inform you and regularize your situation if a problem has arisen. Remember that it is possible that your bank has quite long processing times for banking transactions, or that it may encounter unforeseen difficulties. In this case, the transfer should arrive this week, still a little patience.

Who is entitled to the new inflation inflation bonus? Terms

The emergency aid desired by Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne aims to help “the most modest“. Beneficiaries of certain social benefits such as APLthe RSAl’AAH or theBlade will benefit from it from the start of the 2022 school year. ALF and ALF recipients are also concerned. In reality, it is the poorest French people who will be able to benefit from this new inflation bonus or food emergency bonus at the start of the 2022 school year, i.e. 14 million people. This exceptional back-to-school assistance will also benefit the scholarship students and to the beneficiaries of theASS.

The new aid to fight against inflation and supposed to strengthen the purchasing power of the French desired by Elisabeth Borne will be paid directly into the bank account of the beneficiaries, from the start of the 2022 school year! The 10.8 million households concerned should see a bank transfer appear from September 2022. From now on, the exact date has been set by the executive: the payment will take place on September 15, 2022. On the other hand, for the beneficiaries of the activity bonus, the payment will not take place until two months later, in November.

The amount of this new Borne inflation premium will reach 100 euros plus 50 euros per additional dependent child. “In concrete terms, the aid will amount to 200 euros for a household with two children” indicates the executive in his press kit.

The recomposition of the National Assembly could slightly delay the government’s intervention concerning the final details of the inflation bonus of 100 euros paid in the fall of 2022. In particular concerning the paying bodies. For the time being, we do not know who pays the inflation bonus according to the status of the beneficiaries. Referring to the paying agencies for the first inflation bonus distributed to 38 million French people at the start of the year, here is who from the Caf or Pôle Emploi, for example, will pay the new inflation bonus. For the moment, no decision has been made:

  • Caf : recipients of social minima
  • Employment center : jobseekers
  • Scholarship students : Crous
  • Officials : Etat
  • Retired : CNAV
  • Employees : employer
  • Independents : Ursaf

Recipients of the active solidarity income (RSA) will indeed receive the inflation bonus in the amount of 100 euros, the payment of which is scheduled for September 15, 2022. Recipients of the RSA will also receive the increase in their allowance of 4% linked to the implementation of the purchasing power law.

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