The Commissioner proposed to block the social networks. MK Rothman: “It will not happen and it will not happen”

by time news

The Commissioner of Police, Ya’akov Shabtai, found the solution to Arab terrorism. It is not about an iron fist against the terrorists, eliminating them or punishing them in some other way. In fact, those who will pay the price for the following disturbances according to Shabtai’s method will be all the citizens of Israel. In an interview with “Yediot Ahronoth” To “block the social networks” in case of riots and terrorism within the territory of Israel. Shabtai explained: “We are a democratic country, but there is a limit.”

Member of Knesset Simcha Rothman from Religious Zionism attacked his words and stated: “It will not arise and will not exist.”

MK Rotman: “The Commissioner who stood 3 minutes’ walk away from burning cars, Shabab gangs going from lynching attempt to lynching attempt and police officers being attacked with Molotov cocktails, and in front of my astonished eyes told the media and his superiors that the situation is under control, wants to block the channels of information dissemination that are not under his control.

It will not arise and will not be.”

also Chairman of Religious Zionism, MK Bezalel Smotrichcommented on the commissioner’s words and stated that Shabtai does not understand the event he is supposed to command: “This outrageous and undemocratic statement by the commissioner is his little problem. The serious problem is that he does not understand the event he is supposed to command and therefore will not succeed in winning in it and to provide protection and security to the citizens of Israel.”

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